Niall's P.O.V.
Right on time. The bell to this boring ass class rang. (haha rhyme) This is my last chance to get Sapphire and I back on good terms. Shit. She picked up her books and bolted out of the class. I grabbed mine and chased after her. "Sapph! Sapphire wait up!" I shouted while chasing after her. I wasn't looking at anything or anyone else except for the blue eyed blonde heading straight to the girl's bathroom. Not so fast Sertori. I raced infront of her and grabbed a hold of her arm. "Whaaatt!" she more whined than screamed. It was more of a sigh. I pulled her into a nearby janitor's closet and locked the door behind me. "You do realise that this is considered kidnapping right?" she asked getting her phone out of her pocket. "No." I said before pulling it and and holding it up over her head. "Just, hear me out." she crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me. At that moment I forgot everything I was going to say. #Sapphiresideeffects. Crap. "I just want to apologize for what I said about you and Harry okay. I don't know what I was thinking when I said that...I just-I just need you to be my friend again. I want to hear you laugh and know that i'm the reason. I want to see you smile akwardly because of a lame joke I made, I just...really want our friendship back." Actually, I want more than friendship with her but I could never tell her that. She has a fucking boyfriend and I kind of have a...something. I don't even like Tori. At all. She is just way too damn clingy and an all around annoying bitch. "Okay," she started. "What am I suppose to say now? Oh my gosh Niall! I missed you so much! I forgive you, lets be friends?" she asked in a high pitched, girly voice which means, she's annoyed. She grabbed her phone from my hand, pushed me aside, and opened the door. "Sapph-" "Bye Niall." she said while she started running toward the girls bathroom again. At least that's what I thought. I ran after her, but as soon as I was about to get her, bam. She turned into the left hall and headed toward the gym but I kept walking and slammed my face into someone's locker. "Fuck!" I shouted in pain. Right now I can't care less who heard me.I'm pretty sure my face is broken. Yep my forehead's bleeding. "Oh My Gosh! Niall are you okay?!" someone said frantically. A girl. Please please please let it not be Tori. "Does it look like i'm fuckin-" I stopped when I saw who it was. Sapphire. She still cares about me. "Uhm...not really." She was observing the blood on my forehead slowly dripping down as we stood in silence. "Let's get you over to the nurse's office, pronto." she said grabbing my hand, leading me to the nurse. Our skin is making contact. I'm pretty sure i'm going to stutter for the rest of today. She is so freaking sweet. This is only 10% of why I'm in love with this girl.
Sapphire's P.O.V.
"So, i'm done now." Niall said closing the door between the nurse's office and the waiting area. "Look Niall, I should be the one apologising here. It wasn't all your fault and everything you said in there, I feel the exact same way." I said standing up, walking over to him. " Are you serious?!" he asked with the biggest smile ever. "Ye-" I couldn't finish my sentence because he picked me up and spun me around. "Put me down!" I said with a giggle at the end. "Sorry, i'm just so ecstatic. I got my friend back." he said putting me down. "Me too. Are you sure you're okay though?" I asked looking into his eyes. while touching his bandage. "I-I'm okay as long as we're good." "Well then...I guess you're okay" I said smiling. "Yeah. I think we should put these in our lockers now." he said taking my notebooks from my hands and carrying them for me. He is such a gentleman. He's got the charm, and the looks. He's just an all around sexy person.....I guess. What the fuck am I talking about. Did I forget.....I have a damn boyfriend. Sapphire snap out of it.
When we were hugging, his scent was so sexy and intoxicating. Wow. I must've been given a love possion sometime this morning. Then again I have been feeling like this for quite a while. Even Tori and Kacey told me he liked me. I guess....Nope. He can't like me. Not anymore anyway. He's with Tori now... I think.
Time to get the truth. " still care about me. You came back." he said smirking. He is sooo cute when he does that. Awww. "Of corse I care about you." I could have swore I saw a light shade of pink on his cheeks. "But I wanted to ask you something." I said as we reached my locker. "Yeah?" He asked as he gazed into my eyes. I needed to know. "Are you and Tori actually dating? And I want to know the truth Niall. Do you like her?" I asked him. "No. No. No. A thousand times No! I was only prete-I mean I didn't want to say no because I know she's your best friend." he replied while making all types of gestures with his hands. "Is that all?" I asked relived. "Yes. Nothing more." "Perfect." I said. Shit. Why did I have to say that. "Why? Did you not want us to go out?" he asked smirking. Fuck no! "No. I didn't." Shut up Sapphire. "Why not?" he asked. "Because all she would do is corrupt your innocence." Gosh why don't I listen to myself. "Ya think i'm innocent huh?" he asked in a low voice which made his irish accent shine through thicker than usual as I put my books into my locker and took the rest from him. "Oh please Niall. I know you are." I said closing my locker as we started to head to our next classes. I have English next. With Kacey and Tori. Finally some girl time. "Well then, I think the uninnocent me is here right now." Before I could ask him what he meant, he smashed hissweet,soft lips into mine. Our lips actually do fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. I could hear some 'oohhs' and chants coming from the other students. I wanted to pull away so badly but I can't. I won't. "Sapphire!" Okay maybe now I will. I pulled away from Niall's soft pink lips, only to meet Harry's eyes burning with fury as he stormed off in the other direction. I am so incredibly confused. "Go." Niall told me. That's exactly what I did. I ran to Harry's locker. What the actual fuck?! He's legit kissing a tall bleach blonde, fake ass slut. I guess Niall was right. I literally felt my heart snap into a billion and 1 pieces. I just turned around and slowly walked away. I know he can see me. "Sapphire wait!" he said running up to me. I have to confront this. It's now or never. "Let's go outside." I said softly. Be strong. "I only did that out of complete jealousy. Seeing you kiss my best friend...I couldn't handle it-" "You kissed another girl like 5 seconds after. We didn't even break up yet." I stated firmly yet with a 100% bitchy tone. "Yet?! Sapphire think of all you're throwing away. I was the one who held you when Niall basically snapped at you. Think of all the fun we've had. It doesn't matter how much of a player I am. I'm not a player with you. Sapphire I swear I never even looked at another girl while we were together. Look babe, I forgive you for kissing him-" I cut him off. "You?! Forgive me? I should be the one forgiving you." "I just.....I know you don't like him back. I just want us to work Sapph." "What do mean you know I don't like him back? You knew he had a crush on me?! And-" "I have a crush on you too and I want us to be together again Sapph. I have never ever, had a girl like you before and, please Sapph." he asked with pleading eyes. I Have No Idea What To Do. "Harry, I wanted you from the first time I saw you, but so did every other girl in this school. I love you but.....I think I have some major thinking to do. I can't...I just, i'll call you later." I said as I headed back into the school confused as fuck and overthinking my head off. I swore I heard a faint, 'love you' when I opened the door.
I need to find Kacey, Now.
Hey guys it's me. I just wanted to Say thanks for all the support. Keep reading and voting because you're all awesome. Comment and tell me what your favorite chapter so far is. Tell me your fav Sapphiall and Happhire moments. And, most of all, tell me what you want to see go down. Love you all....... xoxoxo @tweedle24 :)
Happy Mistakes (Niall Horan Lovestory)
FanficOnce upon a time. In the land of Bradford, Wait- What the fuck am I saying? This isn't a damn fairytale. Okay so, basically, Sapphire Sertori. Hot body. Innocent church girl, well.....maybe not so innocent anymore. Life just goes to show you, even p...