Family Feud

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Sapphire's P.O.V.

"I'm nervous." I said for seems like the fiftieth time in the last minute as Harry and I walked hand in hand toward the huge wooden door embedded with glass and silver around the edges.

I stretched out my hand and knocked twice on the door in one swift motion. My heart felt as though if could rise up through my throat at any moment. That strawberry smoothie is about to be seen once more.
A sudden nausea washed over me but I wanted to hold it. I had to try to sustain it.

"You okay?" Harry asked as he placed his hand on the small of my back. I pressed my head into his side for support while he drew patterns onto my back. I let out a soft inaudible mumble to signify that I was fine. I'm not sure if he heard it but that doesn't really matter.

"It's opened!" An all too familiar voice shouted from inside. I'm surprised that Kacey's never been robbed before. Every single room in her new house is always either unlocked, or wide open.

She'd been saving up since I can remember. She always said that as soon as we graduated, she'd move out of her parents' house. And that's exactly what happened. She didn't want any random flat. Apparently flats don't 'match her aura'. According to her that is.
It's not the biggest house, but it's comfy and cute. For only one person living here, it's perfect.

We took a few steps in as I scanned the interior for some act of life and or movement. "In the back!" She shouted on que. I swear that girl can freaking mind read.

I led Harry to the garden area of her house. It's all so breathtaking from the second your eyes lay on the spacious areas reserved for only precious flowers. "Wow." I heard him mumble from next to me.

"I know." Kacey said from behind us. I'm pretty sure that every ounce of color drained from my face. I'm also positive that Harry must've gotten whiplash from turning around so fast. "Why the fuck would you do that shit? You scared the shit out of me!" Harry complained as he held his chest dramatically. "Oops?" she responded as she placed a huge cardboard box on the glass table before us.

"Well?" She continued as she pointed to the box. "Open up."

What on Earth is she doing? "What's inside?" Harry asked out of curiosity as he stepped closer to the box.

"This, is your big reveal. I know it's not original but there are balloons in the box. If they're pink, you're having a girl. If they're blue, it's a boy." She looks more excited than we are to be honest. I'm more nervous than excited. I just want to get it over with.

Harry looked down at me with a half smile. We both placed one hand on each side of the box. "On my count." Kacey piped in. This is it. Finally, I get to know what I'm carrying. "One!" She shouted. My smiled grew bigger by the second. "Two!" Holy shit. "Three!"

Niall's P.O.V.

"Sorry about that." I said. "Sorry about what?" She really was clueless. Not that it's a bad thing. It's just, agitating. "Calling you my girlfriend. I know that we just met and-" I went on to babble before she cut me off. "It's fine. I'm flattered actually." She responded. I could see a slight tint of blush highlighting her face as she tried to lower her head before my gaze caught hers. Too late.
"You look cute when you blush." I said almost too quickly. That only made her cheeks brighten even more.

"Who were they?" She asked after a few minutes of silence. Great. The question is, should I tell her? Am I ready to talk about such a sensitive subject? Do I even want to tell her? Can I trust her? All those queries and more floated in my head as I contemplated what to say next.

"Uhm...That was, my ex girlfriend and my ex best friend." I said as I suddenly found a new interest in my wrist watch. "Yikes. She's pretty. I have some tough competition on my hands." She joked as she nudged my elbow. "I also kind of noticed that she's pregnant and I'm assuming that guy she was with is the father," Yeah. No shit. "So, there isn't much to worry about right?" She asked. Oh babe. You have no idea.

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