Figured it out yet?/ Happhire VS Sapphiall

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Sapphire's P.O.V.

As I opened the door to my house, I was soaking wet. The tiny bit of mascara I decided to wear this morning; was dripping all over my face. Mostly because I ran in the rain. And also because of the 'fight' I had with Niall. This is the first fight we have ever had. I'm sure we'll be back to being best friends in like a day but still. I guess it was kind of my fault maybe.....Well completely my fault since I may have pushed him too far but he really has no reason to be upset. I get it. He's just looking out for me. I know Harry's a player.....(kind of) but people change.Eww. I hated the squishy sound my shoes make whenever they're wet. I stepped out of them and went upstairs to change my shoes since my parents aren't even home yet. I might as well take a quick warm shower and wash off my face while i'm at it.

When I finished, I dried off and put some cozy pants on and a tank top. I blow dried my hair slightly, leaving in some moisture, and put it up into a messy bun. What to do ,what to do. There isn't anything much to do except just lounging on my bed and watching tv. Well, I guess that's what i'll do. I turned on my tv and put on a random show. Oh cool. The powerpuff girls are on. I don't know why i'm so childish, I love all cartoons, I love colors, and fashion and reading comic books, and drawing. Well, I guess I can relate to knowing where I get the last two from. Zayn, obviously. I remember once we had a drawing competition and I totally kicked his ass 100%. What can I say. I love drawing.....and cooking. I always wanted to be either an artist or a chef. I used to take a cooking class but I failed. And I know why. Harry Styles was in that very same class. Harry! I haven't texted, or talked to him all day. Sh*t. I grabbed my phone from the side of my bed on my table and texted him.

*Text Convo*

Me: 'Hey Harry'

Harry: 'Hi babe. How's your day'

Me: 'Well. It could have been better'

Harry: 'What's wrong? Do you need a hug? ;)'

Me: 'Yes please. I could really use one.'

Harry: 'Aww. I'm sorry love.'

Me: 'Yeah. Can you come over? My parents aren't home for a few more hours.'

Harry: 'Uhh, sure. Be there soon ;)'

Me: 'Bye Harry'

Harry: :*

Well at least I'll be less unoccupied.

Harry's P.O.V.

I wonder what's up with Sapphire. She seems really upset. Well, nothing a good old hug from me would be sure to do the trick. As I was driving past Niall's house, I saw him outside on a bench in his yard. He just sat there swinging, so I pulled up in front to see if he's okay. He didn't even notice me until I spoke up. "Niall?" I said getting out of my car and walking toward him. He looked up and then put his head back down. It must be a horrible day for everyone, except me. I hope. "Niall?" I said a little louder this time. Still nothing. "I know you can freaking hear me Niall!" I said even louder. "What?!?!?" he said snapping. I'm in for trouble now. Nobody even wants to mess with Niall when he's upset. Last time he got this upset and some guy tried to start a fight with him. he grabbed the guy by his collar, and and threatened to stick his foot up his ass and make him cough up his sock. Point is, No one messes with angry Niall. And I mean No one.

"What's up?" I asked trying to get him to lighten up a bit. "Why did you come here?" he asked in a monotonous voice. "Well.....I saw my best bud sitting out here, looking glum so I came here to check on you." "Pfft. Best bud. Riggghhtt." he said in a devious voice. Oh crap. It's definitely all down hill from here. "Yes best bud. Remember, I was the only one out of all the boys who stayed at the hospital when you broke your arm. They left at 8 but I sat there until 1 wating for your ass to get out so don't ever say i'm not your best friend because I am." I said getting annoyed. Yeah. No one messes with angry Harrry either. I can get fucking messed up in seconds "So now you determine who's my bestfriend or not?" "Well....." "Oh okay. I didn't get the memo apparently, that you're the boss of me." he said getting even more upset. "Look Ni, I just came to see what was wrong and now you're being a baby boy bitch." Yeah that's right. The bad ass is back. "Fuck off." he said storming off into his house. That sure went well.

Niall's P.O.V.

This is just perfect. Just what I needed. Sapphire's upset with me. And I just had a fight with my best friend who was only looking out for me. Way to screw everything up Niall. He's probably pissed now. I hate this. It's his fault i'm upset anyway. He fucking knows i'm in love with Sapphire and he still agreed to being her boyfriend. I'm almost 100% sure that it was Harry who asked Sapphire. And he says he's my best friend. Best friend my ass. What kind of a best friend would make a move on the girl i've had a crush on since forever. Yeah he's always there for me. Yeah he's a good friend, but right now it doesn't matter. I just want everything to be perfect right now. Nahhh. I just really want Sapphire to break up with him. Hard.

Sapphire's P.O.V.

Yay! He's here. I looked down stairs out of my window and saw him walking up to my door. The sun is so incredibly pretty when it sets. Like something in a movie. Anyway, it doesn't matter. What matters now is me and Harry time. ( #Happhire) I ran down the stairs to the front door. This is it. Don't be nervous. What do I even have to be nervous about, he's my boyfriend anyway. I'll never get used to it. "Hey" I said as I opened the door to see his sexy face. "Hi gorgeous." he said leaning in and giving me a huge hug. "Aww. Someone missed me." I said with a smirk. "Yeah I did. Being away from you is lie torture." he said. "Aww how sweet are you?" "Very." he said staring into my eyes. "Are you always this flirtatious?" I asked. "Just to you." "Yay. Good answer. Come in" I said leading us to the couch. 'So what's wrong?" he asked. "Well, today I hung out with Niall and we kind of had an argument" I said. When I said 'Niall' he looked more intrigued. "Really?" "Yeah. After I told him we're dating he-" "You told him?" he asked cutting me off. "Yeah. Did you not want me to or....." "No! No! That's perfect. It's just....So that's why he's been acting like this." he said putting some sort of puzzle together in his head. "Yeah..." I trailled on, realizing the possible truth. Wow. It's...What? Ugh. "I really pushed it though. It's all my fault we fought." I said feeling a wave of regret. "Babe don't beat yourself up about it." he said cuddling his head into my neck. "I really need to apologise to him. He is nothing but nice."

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