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Sapphire's P.O.V., is the glorious day in which I am leaving this beautiful country and going back to the crappy weather of England.I'm currently just folding and packing clothes; while Niall went to the front desk to get us checked out. I literally have no idea how to feel right now. I'm excited, yet i'm nervous. I'm happy, yet I want the ground to swallow me up. I feel so indescribably guilty. Literally, I just feel like I want to throw up at thought of my actions. In fact.....yup!

I dropped my shirt into the suitcase I was packing, and rushed over to the toilet, ridding my stomach of...well, nothing really. Except for the intake of alcohol I had consumed. Now, not in my body anymore. In the toilet. Every time I think i'm done, more comes up out of nowhere. How much did I actually have to drink?

I feel like my head is spinning around in circles. I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to do that. That's not normal is it? If this has to happen every time I drink, i'd rather pass on that offer. Seriously, how can people drink for a living. The only option I have now is to just flush the toilet and sit helplessly on the floor and await Niall. I'm too weak to even move right now, and i'd rather not make an effort.

About a minute later, I heard footsteps and a door shut, indicating that Niall had finally arrived. Perfect timing. Niall to the rescue. "Sapph?" I didn't really feel like talking. Oh well. He'll check the bathroom eventually On cue, he came in and his eyes fell to my weak, frail figure on the floor. "What's going on? What happened?" "I threw up," I said irritated. I hate it when people state the obvious. Oh no, I'm just on the floor having a chocolate cake. Like fuck no i'm not. "Duhh. Isn't it obvious? I look, and smell like absolute crap." All I want right now is something to feel better. And I don't have any medication or pills of any sort that I can take whatsoever. "What do you want? Do you have anything you can take?" "No. So we'll have to go to the pharmacy now." I said as I attempted the regain my composure and stand up. I could only make it half you up but Niall, being the absolute angel he is, helped me up the rest of the way until I stood balanced on my feet. Wow. It's crazy that all this stress can trigger me to throw up so easily. And I know that i'm going to stop being stressed and guilty until I tell Niall the truth. I guess i'm never going to be stress free then.

"Let's go shall we?" I said standing in the door way. "Okay. Lets go." Niall replied as we both exited the hotel to head down to the nearest pharmacy. We were currently strolling through the mall, just browsing and walking hand in hand. We got the pills and went to grab a quick bite since I had to take the pill after I ate something. I was feeling quite better afterward so we decided to spend our last hours in this country at the mall. What better place right? We were actually supposed to be sharing a churro to try out something kind of sweet and romantic but he had already eaten most so I just let him have it. I wasn't really paying attention to food right now. My mind was still stuck on a replay of that night's events. That dreadful night and those stupid events. That girl wasn't me. Well it was me but, I don't know who she actually was. Where did she come from? The only thing I do know, is that she is not, and never will be the real Sapphire Sertori. Then again, Do I even know who Sapphire Sertori is anymore?

I was broken away from my thoughts when I saw my worst nightmare. Yay. Just what I don't need. And no. It's not who you think. It's not Harry. "Why hell there. Fancy seeing you two here. Together. "

Tori's P.O.V.

"Fancy seeing you two here. Together." I made sure to stress on the word 'together' staring directly at Sapphire. I saw her roll her eyes. Cute. But that doesn't intimidate me. What are we, seven? "Why would it be weird to see us together? We are engaged aren't we?" Niall asked defending their crap of a relationship that's 100% based on lies. If only he knew. Soon he will. "I'm sure you are." I replied turning to look at Kacey who stood behind me, not wanting to engage in conversation with those two. Since she and Sapphire had a fight, I felt that this was my chance to atleast get her to talk to me. And she did. Only because she needed someone to go to the mall with her. But i'm not complaining. "What's that supposed to mea-" Niall started but was quickly stopped by Sapphire. "Niall babe, could you please go get me another churro?" she asked sweetly to him, interupting his sentence. She was fluttering her eyelashes and acting all cute.Obviously trying to get me jealous. Nice try. A for effort. She isn't that addictive. Well, when I first met her a few years ago I did want to spend a lot of time with her. She just has an outstanding charisma. "But you said you didn't want any." he said all hot and confused. "Well, now I do." "But-" "Just, go." she snapped. She snaps so easily. I love it. Makes it easier for me to get in her head. She knows exactly where our conversation is going to be heading so it's only smart that she doesn't want Niall to hear. I can already tell. This conversation is going to lead to an argument, some threats, maybe even some exposure. "He's such a sweetheart." she said turning over to us. I feel so accomplished right now. "More like whipped." I said to her truthfully.

"Look," she started. "What are you even doing here? Haven't you ruined my life enough?" she asked. Boy did she look pale. And this is new for Sapphire because, hate to say it but, her skin is naturally really tan. "Nahh. Figured out i'd cause a little more damage don't you think?" I said sipping from the straw of my lemonade. "By the way princess," I said, "the world doesn't revolve around you so it's not like I stalked your boring schedule and found out you were going to be here." I said taking the straw back into my mouth. "I don't know what you did to me at the club, but what I do know is that you set up with Harry. And to think, I was even beginning to consider being the bigger person and inviting you to my wedding but, I rethink now. You can burn in hell for all I give a shit." she whispered not wanting Kacey to hear about the whole, cheating on Niall thing. "Is that wedding even still happening? Considering you know..." I said louder. "Bitch." she said as she turned around. "Have a nice day!" I shouted, waving to her. "Fuck you." she said as she stormed off. "I know Niall would like too!" I shouted for her to hear since she hadn't gotten that far off. "Ugh!" Plan B. Check. After my third plan, i'll have Niall in my arms begging. The point is, I've already won Sapphire. Game over. Bitch.

Niall's P.O.V.

"I got the churro you asked for....." I trailed on as I saw Sapphire storming over to me. "What's wrong? See, this is exactly why I didn't want to leave you by yourself with her. What did that bitch say to you?" I asked now getting angry. "Nothing okay. Let's just leave, now." she responded leading the way out of the mall as I followed close behind. "Are you sure because if she upset you in any way-' "I'm possitive. It's fine Niall. Let's just go to the airport now." "But our flight doesn't start boarding until 1 and it's only 11." I said confused and also wanting to avoid the long wait. "I know but we can sit there and wait can't we?" she asked. "I guess the earlier the better." I was trying by best to hide the urge to say no. What am I going to do sitting in an airport for two hours. Anything for Sapphire. My soon to be wife. We are young but we'll make it work. It's not like we're 16. She seems really worked up but i'm pretty sure all women get like that before their wedding. "That's the spirit babe. I just want to get out of here. Fast." she said smiling. That perfect smile I live for. "Alrighty then."

Sapphire's P.O.V.

Well, three hours seems like for fucking ever when you're ready to get the hell away from your problems. Like I am. But at last, Niall and I were seated on the plane, ready to go back to Bradford. Back to my house. Back to my own room. Back to Sapphire.

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