Graduation Part 2

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Harry's P.O.V.

"What song are we singing?" I asked as I walked up behind her after 'overhearing' that she wanted to sing with me. She didn't say anything. She just stared outside. "I know you don't want to talk right now and we're not exactly on good terms but we've been chosen to sing a song together and a duet requires two people, not just me." I said, trying to get her input. I was happy just being this close to her. It felt like old times except for the fact that she probably now hated me, unlike before. I miss how much she'd want to be as close to me as possible. I miss her cute laugh. I miss everything about her. When we first got together, it's like, all my other hook-ups didn't exist anymore. Everyone says that she made bad boy Harry disappear, and I was back to myself when she left. She did bring out the soft in me I didn't even know I had. But that's over now. She made me lose myself, but i'm back now. But I want her back.

From the minute I saw her tonight, Harry el numero dos (number two), couldn't stay down. She colored her hair blue. She was wearing blue. Her eyes are blue. Well...I think we all know what my new favorite color is now.

Everything I said to her seemed to go through one ear and out through the other. It didn't even go through the on ear. She just zoned out everything I was trying to say to her. It was so fucking hard trying to keep my eyes on hers because they were unintentionally roaming her entire figure, mostly enjoying the great view right in front of them.

She was probably done with being pestered with me in her presence. She turned around, and began heading outside. I'm sure everyone else were already in their seats. "Sapphire!" I shouted trying to get her to come back. Futile attempt. "O-okay! I'll just pick the song then!" I shouted once again. I'll tell you later!" Fuck.

Sapphire's P.O.V.

I walked to the back of where all the chairs were set for the parents. All the students who were graduating had to sit, closer to the newly built stage in front of the field. It looked so perfect. I stood behind, where I had to walk up the grassy aisle to give my speech. My parents' seats were occupied as well as the other parents'. The grad class were already situated in their seats as well. By this time they had all changed back into their graduation gowns. I had to wear more comfortable shoes to walk up the aisle so I went with my nike heels. Most of those who had to give a speech wore flats but the new Sapphire always stands out. "And now, A brilliant summary of the year by the student of the year, Sapphire Sertori!" My class teacher said through the mic on the stage. Time to make a complete fool out of myself, as usual. I started to strut up the never ending grass as all eyes turned toward me. "Why are you wearing heels on grass?" Zayn asked as I walked past him sitting at the end of one of the aisles. I turned to him and gave him my not so pretty response. "Cause i'm a boss ass bitch that's why." I said, and continued my journey upstage.

"Good morning to all. Principal, teachers, fellow students, parents. Today is the big day we've all been waiting for. This year's class, graduating from this beautiful place that shaped our minds and determines if we make it or fail in life." All eyes were on me now and I could feel myself getting a little shaky. "I'm not here to bore you all, I'm just gonna give a little recap of our years together. Is that okay?" I asked cheerfully. The crowd responded with loads of mumbling so I took that as my green light. Wow. Tough crowd. Standing before 360 people isn't easy you know. "So, we are all kind of, almost like one huge family. We have the girls that always look out for everyone, or the moms. We have the guys that make it their mission to do literally everything and not give anyone else a chance, or the dads. And then we have those of us that behave like 5 year olds; or, the kids. Everyone has a specific category they belong to. We spend 8 hours of a day, five days of our life, every week for 12 months right here. Excluding vacation and special holidays of course. Everyone knows everyone. All of us are somewhat friends," I said, looking at Harry who was staring at me intensely, same as everyone else. "Some closer than others. We have learned to develop strong relationships with our peers; whether it be friendship or romance." I said and couldn't help it but smile and look over at Niall as he returned the gesture. "But, this is high school." I said, changing the tone of my voice. "There are going to be a few fights, breakups, backstabbing, and a whole lot of trouble. I've learned that when you call someone your friend, you first have to be a friend to have one. Some 'friends' will even try to drag you down into dirt and strip you if it means that they get what you have. Just for them to have your life as their own. But the truth is, would they really want it after they realize how many times it's been crushed and rebuilt. See, the thing is, people only see you on the outside. The perfect version of you. But they don't actually see how broken the inside could be, yet they still envy." I stared around intensely, knowing that this would be my very last day in this school. The sound pf my voice over the microphone sounded loud and tense. "I just want to conclude by saying, this place will forever be a second home to me. And these people," I started, pointing to the section where all the students were. "will, always be my brothers, sisters, cousins," I said looking at Zayn. "and most of all husband." I said smiling. Everyone was clapping and cheering as I returned the mic to the principal.

"Thank you Sapphire. One of our best students. And by that I mean she never got into any trouble. Unlike everyone else." she said as I went to my seat next to Niall. If only she knew.

After all the other speeches and presentations, we were all changed back into our final outfits of the day and ready to partay. Come to think of it, i'm really gonna miss this place. My locker, my teachers and especially most of my friends who are going off to study and further their education abroad. I don't even know what i'm going to do after this. My original plan was to leave England and go study in a top university but obviously that didn't include me being married to Niall or me being a mother; so I guess that dream can be considered as, crushed.

I can worry about all that later. Now, it's time to have fun with my people. Idiotic teenagers doing really stupid stuff that they'll regret the next morning. Yup. That about covers my entire life right now. Sad isn't it. "Here. I know you don't drink." Niall said, handing me glass of champagne. Can I drink champagne since i'm pregnant? I don't know. I'd rather not take the chance. Just to be safe. I want nothing critical happening to this little fetus in my tummy. "Thanks." I said taking the glass from his hand. I didn't want to say no. "I told you your speech would be awesome." he said swaying into me. "I love you." I said staring up into his eyes. He wasn't that much taller than me. We're about the same height. "I love you way more than you could ever fucking imagine." he said, pressing his forehead onto mine. Everyone except us were on the dance floor. "Hey!" Liam said, invading our moment together. "Get your sexy arse up here." he said to us trying to get us to dance. I know the old Sapphire would prefer to sit and watch but this girl wants to live it up. "Okay. Enough with just standing around. I know how bad you want to dance, but you're just lounging around because I am." I said moving back. "Babe it's okay. I-" "Shh. Tonight, and tonight only, I press the boundaries." I said and sent a cheeky wink his way. I set the glass filled with champagne onto a nearby table and grabbed him by the tie, pulling him to the dance floor currently occupied with loads of crazy teens. I could tell he was confused. I pulled his body close to mine and started to let loose. "Woah," he said clearly turned on to the max. "This hair didn't just give you a new look. It gave you a whole new personality." he said into my ear. "Is that a good thing?" I asked. Just two minutes of dancing and i'm dripping in sweat. "Fuck yeah."

We continued dancing, I looked over my shoulder and saw Tori and a guy she used to date, Daniel, all over each other. She saw me glaring at her and she mouth the word 'slut.' She has the nerve to call me a slut. Hell fucking no.

Hey guys! :D I hope you're having an awesome day. Let me know what gender you guys want the baby to be. And keep on telling me what you want to see happen. I love all of you, and as usual, stay beautiful :*

Have you guys graduated yet? Who was at your graduation? I want my parents, friends and boyfriend to be there.

P.S. I'm gonna post pics of the ring, the graduation dresses, Sapphire's hair, and the baby and everything so follow me on twitter= @tweedle24HM

instagram= kjoseph794

piccollage= Onetwothreedrizzi

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