Dream Come True

183 28 5

Sapphire's P.O.V.

I stretched out my arms after waking up from a peaceful night's sleep. Not like all the other nights where I could barely find a spot to feel comfortable in. This one was absolute bliss.

I sat up, only to find that I wasn't in my bed.

Not my comfy cotton candy pink comforter with my three blue mustache pillows.

Yeah. It doesn't match. I know.

Something Just isn't right here. Nothing adds up.

My eyes scanned the room for some sign of familiarity, anything to prove my hallucinations wrong.

Nope. Everything seemed different. To the far left corner of the room, where my newly installed mini fridge for late night snacking would be; was now occupied by a silver shelf with five levels, each higher than the next.

The top shelf however, brought some vivid memories back to my head.

There was a white ornament in the shape of an 'N' propped in the middle, and a few random chachkies laid next to it.

I turned my head to the nightstand beside the bed and a light instantly clicked I'm my head.

A 6x8 inch photo of Niall was perched there. Beside him was the infamous whore who's name I haven't bothered to learn. Nellisa? Marissa?

Don't know. Don't care.

In the photo, they both stood hand in hand with smiles stretched over their faces, looking happy as ever. Ew. Happiness is overrated.

I also noticed one of Niall's large hands curved over her stomach as one of hers came over his, slightly parted fingers interlocked.

No. What the fuck is happening?

I was suddenly shook from my thoughts when I heard a loud distressed screech from downstairs.

I hurriedly got up, as fast as my sore legs to allow me, and not thinking, headed toward the noise. It felt like one of those cliché horror films where the dumb blonde would hear a noise and go toward it just to end up dead.

As I approached the living room area, my eyes landed upon the most unexpected scene I had ever been faced with.

A little boy, about age four, being tickled by a male, whom from my judgment would be his father.

The bewildering part of all of this being the identity of the male.


Just wait. If you think it ends there, you are indeed wrong my friend.

Melissa, whom I assumed to be the mother, was now staring at the whole scene before her in complete awe as she laughed along with them.

Light headed. That's all I could feel at that moment. I couldn't bare to see it. All I wanted to do was scream. But I couldn't.

As I further, and more inquisitively inspected what was going on, I came across another specimen.

Her loose flared dress failed to hide her slightly prominent baby bump.

I completely lost it. All the fucking chill my body had. All gone out the window.

Something was preventing me from running up and confronting them. I don't know what it was, but some magical force came over me and glued me to my spot.

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