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She was his from the first moment he had laid eyes on her. She belonged to him. Her body, her mind, and her soul were all his.

His to cherish.

His to protect

This young girl unknowingly held the heart of one of the deadliest men in the world in the palm of her hand. Everything she did filled him with a pulsing desire to bring her home with him.

Three months. Three months he had watched her. Three months he hid in the shadows and made sure she was safe. Made sure no other man touched what was rightfully his. In those three months, his love for his silver-haired angel only grew.

He knew everything about her. Her likes, her dislikes, her few friends, her family. He memorized the hours and minutes of her daily routine, planning his own day around her free hours.

He loved the way she smiled when she heard something funny and her nose crinkled up. He loved how she didn't care about the world around her and lived in her own imagination. How she hid from everyone around her, leaving her for only him to enjoy. Keeping herself pure and clean... all for him.

She was so god damn perfect.

He spent every hour away from her, with his thoughts consumed by her voice, her laugh. How beautiful she was and the way she stood out among a crowd. He spent his nights watching her, waiting for her, dreaming of her. Making sure she was safe. Safe from the world, from people, from boys. He couldn't understand how no man before him had ever tainted her sweet innocence, but he was more than pleased to have his way with her first.

And last.

He was in love, and Erik Raires had never loved a single soul. He cared for himself, and his work. He took care of his men out of obligation not because he cared. But something made her different. She was different.

He wanted to touch her, of course, he did. He wanted to cherish every inch of her body, imprinting the feeling of his kiss upon her skin.

She was worth so much more. She was worth the painful wait. She was worth each day spent alone as long as he had the promise of her sweet body in bed beside him. She put every woman he had ever been with to shame. He couldn't even touch another woman without guilt coursing through him. Without him cursing himself for being unfaithful.

She was perfect. So pure. So untouched. Saving herself for the right man. Saving herself for him. Saving her first time all for him and so much more. She had never known the touch of a man and he would carve his name into her skin with each touch. With each kiss.

She would be his.

He would give her everything. Spoil her in all the riches he had to offer and more. All she had to do was provide him with a family and a home. One filled with laughter and love, but most importantly her.

Three months since he had first seen her.

Three months before he could take her all for himself

He wouldn't wait any longer.

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