Chapter 5

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All previous chapters were edited and rewritten, going forward they are originals so some things might not add up entirely and the writing is cringe

Going home for the night was always the best part of Vivian's day; especially after a day like today. She had sat in the parking lot after work ended for a good 10 minutes, crying until she couldn't cry anymore. She couldn't really explain why she was so upset, but her best guess would have to be, she felt stupid.

She had sort of sassed the man that now owned her company at a Jimmy Johns, then cried in front of him, twice. Never mind that he was now basically her boss, but he was probably the most attractive man she had ever seen in her life. But what the hell was she thinking? She was dumb, weird, over-emotional 18 years old who needed to get her shit together.

But how could she? How could she when she was constantly reminded that no one could ever love her. That she was the problem. That she ruined everything.

And she believed it.

And with that belief, she had changed. Or at least tried to. She wanted to be better. She wanted people to like her and for people to like her meant not being her.

So here was Vivian, an illusion.

Arriving at home she parked her car and made her way inside. Her parents were already in bed and had left the porch lights on for her and the garage door unlocked so she could get in. She had to be quiet, not wanting to get yelled at if her parents woke up, knowing they had to be at work early tomorrow.

Once the house was locked up, she trudged up the stairs to her way into her bathroom. She was exhausted but needed to take a shower, so she quickly stripped out of her clothes and turned on the shower. Looking in the mirror she turned to her side and looked at the scars that covered her hip and upper thigh. The fresh red marks from the days before were still stinging so she grabbed some hydrogen peroxide and dabbed it on with a cotton ball. That would help it heal faster and stop her from messing with it.

She sighed and with one last glance in the mirror, she jumped in the shower and washed away her day. She let the warm water soak her skin and her mind wander the events that had transpired over the last 24 hours. She debated going and seeing if Dannye was still awake and asking him about the note, but she trusted him. She knew he would take care of it and if she was in any true danger, he wouldn't let anything happen to her.

She quickly finished up her shower and scampered back to her room, just wanting to get into her bed and go to sleep. Probably read a little too. She cranked open her window to let in some air because it was putridly hot out and looked out at the darkening sky. She noticed the neighbors were having a party and they had a few cars outside of their house.

What she didn't notice was the royal blue Rolls Royce also sitting outside of her neighbors' house. She didn't notice Erik watching her as she leaned out her window into the night. She didn't notice him taking pictures of her from afar.

He couldn't stop thinking about the way her skin felt on his when he had touched her hand, how warm she made him feel. He wanted nothing more than to hold her close right now and never let her go. He wanted to run his hands through her hair and across her body. He wanted to adore every part of her.

He loved her. He couldn't escape these unfamiliar feelings that devoured him.

Lonely nights that used to be filled with as many women as he wanted were now only spent with the thoughts of his angel, and dreaming of her in his bed beside him. His nights consisted of dreams of what he could do to her, the marks he could leave on her and when he could finally claim her. He craved her, he needed her, and his patience was wearing thin.

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