Chapter 29

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"Shut your dirty mouth, if I could burn this town-" Vivian sang along quietly to the music blasting through her small yellow speaker as she brushed out her wet hair, "I wouldn't hesitate to smile while you suffocate and die."

Letting her hair fall down her bare back that glistened with water droplets, she smiled at how much her hair had grown in the past month. It was only a few inches above her hips and her silver hair was fading out back into its natural rusty brown color. she would have to get it redyed before the wedding.

"So bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep," she chanted along, grabbing her moisturizer and propping her leg up on the counter. The door opening behind her, startled Vivian and she quickly covered her exposed body. Heaving out a heavy sigh, calming her racing heart she rolled her eyes at the sight of Erik.

He only smirked and walked over to the toilet, sliding past her in the small hotel bathroom, where he shamelessly began to pee.

"You couldn't wait until I was done?" She lectured, knowing fully well he could, but simply wouldn't.

He looked at her over his shoulder, gazing at her naked body with greed, "And miss this view?"

Vivian looked away from him quickly, not wanting her own gaze to wander any further down. They didn't both need to be looking at each other. She grabbed her towel from off the ground to wrap herself back up with but Erik quickly stopped her. Towel halfway around her torso, front still completely exposed, Erik wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her neck, up to her jaw, lightly sucking, leaving his mark, "Don't think I haven't forgotten about your punishment."

She moaned softly at his touch, his hands gliding across her wet skin, grabbing onto her breasts. Her eyes quickly flung open at the touch and she pushed his hands away, desperately trying to get the towel around herself. Not that his touch didn't feel good but that was the problem. That was what she was scared of.

Erik only growled, pulling the towel away and throwing it to the ground. His gaze burned into her through their reflections in the mirror, "Mine. All of you belongs to me." He kissed her shoulder, maintaining eye contact through their reflections, "I can touch you as I please," His palms glided across her back and down to her hips, brushing her scars gently then back up her sides, dancing across her skin. His warm breath against her shoulder made her body shake against her will, her eyes closing once again at the calming, intimate feelings, "Your skin is mine to kiss." He placed kisses across her shoulder, to the base of her collar bone, nipping lightly every once in a while, "Mine to mark, mine to claim." His voice was husky, coated in lust.

He wanted to bend her over, the sink and watch her face in the mirror, as he stole away her innocence. To see her eyes roll back into her head as her first-ever real orgasm swept through her. To know he had brought her to that point of pleasure. Just the very thought caused his member to rise in anticipation but he held himself back.

"God, you don't know what you do to me." He growled, tucking her wet hair behind her ear. He placed an open mouth kiss on the shell of her ear, moving down her neck.

She smirked, eyes still closed, allowing the feeling of his touch to warm her body, "I might have some idea." If it was anything like the feelings that swamped her own stomach and nether regions then she knew exactly what she did to him.

He liked that response. He liked that response very much, "Would you mind helping me out then?" He asked, seductively into her ear making her shiver.

Maybe it was the adrenaline from his touch or just pure teen stupidity, but she turned around slowly to face him, bending down onto both of her knees, her eyes never leaving his.

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