Chapter 11

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Standing in shock, his words rang through her ears. She kept trying to remind herself that it was just a kiss, nothing more. The feeling of his lips against hers still lingered, and she reached her hand up to her mouth but stopped when Erik gave her a warning glance. He reached over and grabbed her hand in his and dragged her out of the boutique.

Leading her to the other end of the mall, his large hand holding on tightly to her small one, he pulled her into Rose Bud a store Vivian avoided like the plague. It was full to the brim with sexy clothes, underwear, and things Vivian didn't even know what to do with. Looking around in horror she pulled at his hand trying to break free but he just led her further into the store.

"Please Erik, no. I have underwear! Please!" She whined, and Vivian D'inia was honest to God terrified. This was new territory for her and she did not want to explore this world with the likes of the French Mafia King.

He just smirked and pulled her along behind him to the lingerie section. Holding her close to him he pulled out a few things from the drawer and held them out to her. Vivian refused to look at the things he was grabbing, she wanted absolutely nothing to do with his sick fantasies and she would not, ever, wear any of this in front of him.

"Mon amour." He called out to her and she looked over at him to see a pile of clothes in his arm. He waved them at her and she rolled her eyes, grabbing at the top item.

It was nothing. A lacy piece of cloth that would cover, nope scratch that wouldn't cover anything!

"NO! God no Erik what the hell is this?" She threw it back on the pile and glared at him. She knew he was looking at skimpy clothing but what was that?

This just made his evil grin widen as he held it out to her, "What? You don't like it? I think it would like nice."

She grabbed it and threw it back in a random drawer, not caring about being tidy. "No, I don't like it! Let's leave before I lose it and punch you in the throat!" She gritted through clenched teeth. He snatched her hand up once more and squeezed her fingers tight. A warning.

Erik clicked his tongue at her and shook his head, "You see babygirl this is your punishment for ignoring me this morning."

Tears brimmed at the corners of her eyes. What was he going to make her do? "Erik," She whispered trying to wiggle her hand out of his in a last ditched attempt at freedom

"Nope. Come on amour." He led her to the back of the store to the dressing rooms. Strangely the entire store was empty besides them and a few workers. There was no one there to help her, not that they could have done much.  Reaching the dressing rooms Erik took a seat down on a white leather chair next to a mirror and gestured for Vivian to pick a changing room while handing her the undergarments. In slow agonizing horror, she made her way to one of the doors, closing and locking it behind her before she fell to the ground in a heaping mess.  She pulled in a shaky breath and she thumbed through the clothing trying to find the least revealing item.

She settled on a black lace bodysuit, even though it still exposed too much skin for her liking. "You have one minute Vivian or I come in there and put it on you," Erik called out to her and she quickly stripped out of her jacket and shorts.

The bloody tissue from her cuts this morning fell from the side of her hip and she looked at it for a moment on the floor before stuffing it in the pocket of her jacket and slipping on the bodysuit.

"Now Vivian!"

Staring at her practically nude body in the mirror she covered herself with her arms and stepped out of the changing room. Erik curled his finger at her motioning for her to come closer to his lounging figure. She tentatively stepped forward and looked at her bare feet on the smooth carpeted floor.

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