Chapter 36

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I'd rather be dead

All things she'd said to herself before but now they were actually true. Now life truly would be better if she was dead.

No more pain.

No more abuse.

There was no hope. Hope smothered in the darkness around her. It died just like her.


Right on time.

Even after so long he still frightened her. She may have made herself numb to most things but she could never stop the shiver that ran down her spine every time he called to her. He hardly used her name anymore, at least when he wasn't mad. She was kitten. His little pet. His personal plaything.

He stepped into the cold, dark basement, scanning over her practically nude body. She stood next to the bed, arms at her side, legs slightly apart, head bowed. Just how he liked her.

He clicked his tongue, lifting up her head with his finger, so she was looking at him. Well looking would be a stretch. She could never meet his eye. Even if he wanted her too, she couldn't. Too many memories of pain were stored in those eyes. Memories she would care not to relive.

He allowed her this one thing.

And she gave him everything.

"Kitten, you have been exceptionally good the past 2 weeks and I think it's time I reward you."

Reward was a dangerous word.

A reward could mean many things.

Rewards weren't always for her.


He fell down on top of me, panting heavily as he finished. He came inside of me. No condom. No birth control. Nothing.

My wrists stung with rope burn from my attempts to get free and my cheeks burned from my tears.

He kissed my cheek gently, still inside of me, his chest rising and falling.

"You are amazing. Better than I could have ever imagined." Ollie's voice was thick and clouded by lust. He pulled out slowly, making me wince slightly in pain.

"You were such a good girl, kitten." He praised me, "Keep up with the good behavior and I just might reward you." He pulled back up my panties and adjusted my dress before calling back in his goons. His devilish grin never left his face as he watched them untie me.

I sat up slowly, my head spinning. I had only fainted halfway through and woke up in time for him to finish. He probably hadn't even noticed I was unconscious.

I wish I still was.

I stood up slowly but stumbled slightly and Ollie grabbed onto my wrists sending spikes of pain up my arm. I cried out and he looked at me in shock for a moment before his face grew dark and he increased his grip.

I screamed and clawed at his hands but with one slight jerk I was on my knees begging him to let me go.

"You don't get to tell me what to do. One more wrong move, Vivian and this will be a lot more painful for you." He threatened and I shook my head quickly in compliance.

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