Chapter 7

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"Wife?" She wanted so desperately to run. He was too close to her, he was filling her senses with emotions she didn't want to feel and here she was being told that he wanted her for himself for the rest of his life.

He let go of her, and sat back down in his seat, "Of course." At that moment the waitress came back with their waters and asked if they were ready to order. "Yes. Just a Denver Omelet and a side of bacon and hashbrowns." He handed her back the menus not taking his eyes off of Vivian who was frozen in terror at his words.


She had to call the police. He lied. He wasn't going to take her back. What if he didn't let her leave? What if he killed her family if she did? What if he killed her?

"Whatever you can't finish I will, my love." He pulled out a cigarette and lit it up, beginning to breathe in the sweet nicotine.

"I'm not your love and I'm pretty sure you can't smoke in here." Vivian retorted shakily, rolling her eyes. She grabbed the pack from the table and popped it open, playing with the remaining 3 cigarettes.

He took another drag, pulling it away from his mouth tapping off the ashes into his water, "Well I am. Give them back baby I don't want you to touch a single cigarette ever again unless it's to get one for me." She closed the box and slid it back across the table to him.

"I don't get it."

"Get what?" He blew out a large breath of smoke towards the window they sat next too and Vivian crinkled up her nose.

"Why me?" Her voice cracked slightly but she fought the tears.

He raised an eyebrow, "Why not you baby girl?"

She huffed, "Well you're some rich businessman, and I'm just a high schooler. I don't get it? What could you possibly get from me, except maybe taking my virginity? And then once you have that, what? You're just going to move on? I'm not pretty- I'm- I'm nothing." She voiced all of her thoughts. They may not have made sense but they needed to be shared.

He frowned at her, "Don't ever say you're not pretty. Mon amour, tu est belle. Tu es la plus belle femme au monde." He growled. (My love you are beautiful. You are the most beautiful woman on this earth) "The moment I laid my eyes on you, you were mine. You will always be mine. Of course, I want to take your virginity, that is what a husband should do, but I don't plan to let you go after that. No, after that you will truly be mine. Forever." He held the tobacco between his lips, smirking down at her as he leaned back in the booth, imagining taking her innocence. Making her scream in ecstasy. Oh, the things he would show her. The pleasure he would give her.

She tried to control the panic attack swirling in her stomach but she was almost on the verge of tears.

"When was the first time you saw me?" She questioned him.

"Remember when you bought your car?" She nodded, "I was the devilishly handsome man that you spoke with." He smiled at her as her mouth dropped in shock.

"Holy shit! That was you!"

He laughed, "Oui. I couldn't get you off my mind and no woman has ever been able to do that too me. I was actually only supposed to be in America for a couple of months but I have been waiting for you. I couldn't have you getting into trouble while I was away, now could I? So I transferred some men from France, had them stationed here, bought a house and kept working from a distance."

Now she frowned. "Then why the fuck would you buy Murtle's?" She had a suspicion as to why but wanted to hear him say it.

Before he could reply the waitress returned with their food and set it down in front of Erik, along with a folded up napkin. Vivian furrowed her eyebrows. Why would she bring out a single napkin for them when they had a dispenser at their table? Vivian didn't eat at Village Inn a lot but that didn't seem right.

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