Chapter 13

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Erik held onto Vivian tightly smirking at her parents who refused to meet his eye. Erik didn't remember every loan he gave people, he had people for that, but as soon as he discovered that the D'inia family had borrowed half a million dollars back in 2015 he knew he could use it to his advantage. He had to hand it to her parents though, they were very responsible and had been slowly paying off their debt over the last 4 years nearly repaying half of it.

No one said the mafia was fair though and time was up. He wanted payment and he wanted it in the form of Vivian. He felt a small amount of remorse, an emotion that only came out when he was around his baby girl. This was the only way they would allow her to marry him, even after she graduated. He needed her parent's full support if the next 5 months were to go as smooth as possible. Whether he had to force that support or not he didn't care, as long as he had Vivian in his arms every night, he would do whatever it took.

"Mr. Raires, how can we help you?" Mr. D'inia asked politely.

Looking between Erik and her parents, Vivian tried to piece together everything before her. She wanted to ask how they all knew each other. Were her parents in the mafia? Her parents really didn't seem like the type to get involved with such things but then again she didn't know her brother was in a gang. What else could her family be hiding from her?

"Well, Mr. D'inia I actually found out something very intriguing today. Did you, or did you not borrow money from me back in 2015?" He questioned them, answering some of Vivian's questions.

Head bowed her mother was slightly shaking in fear, "Yes sir."

"I see you've done an excellent job of repaying your debt but I have my eye on a different form of payment now." He stalked forward towards the middle-aged couple, releasing Vivian's arm reluctantly. He paced behind them, before stopping in between them and putting his hands on their shoulders.

Vivian had never seen her father so scared and it began to frighten her. She had grown comfortable with Erik, and could predict some of his movements, but this Erik seemed different.

"What form of payment sir? We have been on time with all of monthly bills and even with interest. I don't understand sir." Her father stood up for himself a little while remaining respectful.

Erik shook his head, leaning a bit on their shoulders, "Of course!" He sounded almost too cheery and it was unsettling, "But now I am thinking that all your debt can be washed away with one simple little thing." Pushing through them he returned to Vivian's side and grabbed her hand, pulling it to his lips.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. D'inia nervously questioned, fearing for her daughter.

Smiling Erik replied his eyes still on his future bride. "You see I have grown quite fond of your daughter and I would like to have her hand in marriage. Of course, I figured it would only be proper of me to ask her father first." He turned back to her parents who's faces, as expected, showed shock.

Of course, Vivian's heart was beating out of her chest and she felt like she was going to throw up but she held it together. She could not predict the moves of this Erik and she did not want to find out what he was capable of. She had seen a darker side of him but she had a sickening feeling that what she had witnessed was just the surface.

"Mr.Raires we are more than happy to repay you in whatever way you like but my daughter isn't one of those options." Erik did not like her father's answer and frowned.

"She is the only option. I don't want or need your money." He took in a breath, "I am being gentle with you, but I will not hesitate to take your house and leave you in the same position you came to me in, except no matter what you say Vivian is coming with me. So you agree or I take it all back." His face returned to a neutral position, his hand never leaving Vivian's.

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