Chapter 27

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"What'd you do about the Falvarsi kid?" Erik asked, wiping blood off onto his pants.

Lynol shrugged, "He let us go. I didn't have to threaten him or anything." He picked up a knife and handed it to Erik, "But he did scare Vivian. He threatened your life, but what's that little bitch boy going to do?"

"It's not what he could do," Rick said, "It's his father. Gino will do anything for that kid."

"I promised her nothing was going to happen."

Erik spun the blade around on his finger, poking it slightly. He looked over at the prisoner strapped to the basement wall.

Target practice.

"And nothing will. We will need to make sure the party is well guarded. They come in, say their congratulations then I want them gone."

"You can't possibly be thinking of inviting them," Rick said, pushing off from the wall. He too grabbed a throwing knife standing beside Erik.

Erik took the first shot, landing the small blade in the boy's shoulder making him cry out. "I have to. Common courtesy. I was there for Gino's engagement. I was a kid then but still, he invited my father, even though they hated each other."

"But this could cause more problems then its worth." Rick took his throw, slicing through his side.

Erik shrugged, "We will have all available men on guard and Vivian won't leave my side." He wound back his arm, aiming ever so slightly, before releasing the blade into the prisoner's thigh.

Lynol hummed, thinking over the conversation. "Common courtesy aside,   Vivian won't want to see Oliviero."

"He's the first son of the Falvarsi family. I can't invite his father and not him. There is no current act of war between us, so I can't deny them an invitation." His third knife stuck itself between the boy's ribs, making him scream loudly, "We may be ruthless killers, but we have manners."


Vivian sat shifting in her seat nervously as the inevitable question loomed heavily above her head. She hadn't even been able to enjoy her graduation ceremony with all this worry consuming her. Now as she and a deadly mafia king drove through the rural part of Lincoln, heading to only what she could assume was the outskirts of town judging by the number of cornfields surrounding them, she was scared.

She didn't want to give him an answer because no matter her answer someone was bound to be disappointed in her choice. She didn't know what to do. She didn't even know what she wanted when everyone kept breathing down her neck, trying to decide what is best for her.

All she could hope for was that he had forgotten about her promise to give him an answer by the end of the week, but she knew that was highly unlikely. She bit her nails nervously, debating all her options. It didn't matter though. Whether she said yes or no, Erik would have her as his wife.

Erik squeezed her hand gently, smiling over at her. He was trying to earn back her trust and keeping his hands at a safe distance away from... her, was one of the ways he hoped he could do that.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

He huffed a breath of laughter, "You don't recognize where we are?"

She shook her head. Was she supposed to? Was she going to get into trouble for not remembering? "I-I'm not very good with directions." She managed to say, watching his face, his eyes darting between her and the road.

"Well, love, it's someplace special to us. Apparently, you Americans do this thing called a grad party, so I figured I would throw you one." He smirked, turning the car off of the highway, into a gravel parking lot where 20 cars were parked already.

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