Chapter 20

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Erik had fallen behind her as they exited the restaurant, to get through the crowds and though he would much rather be holding her hand, he wasn't complaining about the view. She would not be wearing that dress out again, only in the comforts of their home for only him to enjoy, where he could rip it off of her.

As soon as they were free of the crowd he caught up to her and placed his hand on her lower back, sliding it gently down until it was just under her left ass cheek, giving it a gentle squeeze. She turned to him and hit his chest, but a small smile played on her lips. He let go reluctantly to open the car door for her, and watched as she crawled into the passenger seat.

Oh, how he wanted to just take her home with him right now. Give her the best birthday present she could imagine, but she wasn't ready, he knew that. He too wanted to make it special and wait for their wedding night, but it was becoming difficult to control his desires when she was so close to him. When he now finally had her, after months of planning their future and watching her, preparing for when he could take her away.

"Where to now?" She asked him, watching his soft black hair messily graze his forehead, from the times he had run his fingers through it. He had gone to so much trouble styling it for their date, too.

He looked over at her, "Someplace where I can spoil you."

She scrunched up her brow, "I won't let you, I hate people spending money on me. It makes me feel weird."

"You don't have a choice. I like buying you gifts." He smirked thinking about the lingerie she had on under her dress. He had bought it for her after their fun in the mall and was very pleased she had listened when he told her to wear it. He quickly shifted his uncomfortable bulge discretely and focused on driving rather than Vivian waiting for him in their bedroom with nothing on but the black lace bra and panty set.

Vivian recognized where they were headed from the buildings they were passing. She was sure he was taking her to the outdoor shopping center. She didn't come here often, only to the movie theatre sometimes, so she didn't know what Erik had up his sleeve.

Driving through the full parking lot, at a terribly slow pace, Erik pulled into a parking space and let her out. Stepping down she looked at the shop they had parked in front of. This is exactly what Vivian didn't want.

Holding her tightly around the waist he walked her inside the expensive store, power radiating off of him. Soft piano music came from the center of the room, and he walked them towards it.

"No. I'm not buying anything here, it's too expensive." She whispered looking at the passing clothes and shoes. Von Maur was not for people like her. She shopped at the goodwill, pinched pennies and cut coupons. Von Maur was for someone like Erik, he fit into the rich atmosphere, in fact, he stood above it.

Stopping at a counter full of purses her eyes went wide. She had never seen a Louis Vuitton bag in person. Erik's hot breath fanned against her face as he spoke into her ear. "You're not buying anything, I am. Whatever you want, mon amour, I will get it for you. All you have to do is ask." He placed a soft kiss onto her temple, lingering for a moment before returning upright.

"Hello, welcome to Von Maur, sir. Is there anything you're looking for?" A platinum blonde asked Erik. She was rather beautiful, Vivian envied her curls and how small her nose was. She was everything Vivian wasn't and wanted to be.

Erik held her tightly to his side, gazing down at the bags, "See anything you like, princess?" He asked her.

She shook her head, "Erik, I can't afford any of this." She whispered through gritted teeth.

"You're not paying for it." He looked at the woman at the counter for the first time, "Where is the jewelry?" She nodded him over to the other side of the counter, "Stay here, find something you like. I'll be right back." He kissed her soft hair, relishing in her scent before he had to leave her.

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