Chapter 16

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Vivian was right. All-day she heard 'slut' whispered in every class. She felt eyes on her wherever she went. She ate her lunch outside to avoid the watchful eyes of her bullies. Eating alone wasn't new to her but it has lost its peacefulness.

Erik had been texting her throughout the day but she couldn't bring herself to respond most times, even knowing the consequences. She would send the occasional 'k' to let him know she was alive but other than that she wanted nothing to do with him. This was his fault.

"You're Vivian, right?" A kind voice came from behind her. She spun around looking up from her spot on the courtyard steps to see a tall girl with curly brown hair.

Sighing Vivian looked back down at her untouched food, "unfortunately."

The girl sat down beside her, shocking Vivian. She had a bright smile on her face and a petite nose Vivian would have died for. She was very pretty in her floral-print skater dress which complimented her dark complexion. She was everything Vivian wasn't.

"I'm Johanna." She said her smile growing even more.

"Cool." Vivian muttered, "Just please leave me alone, okay?"

"Are you okay?" She asked sweetly.

Vivian snorted, "I'm never okay but that's just how life is I suppose."

Johanna's smile faltered a bit, "I'm sorry. High school sucks, but it's almost over. Why are you sitting alone? You're like the funniest person in our grade."

"Yeah, that's all I am. A laughing stock."

"No that's not what I meant!" She pushed Vivian's shoulder a bit. "I've always envied you. We had some classes together last year and you always came up with some sly comment. I could never do that."


"So what's bugging you?"

With knitted brows, Vivian questioned her, "haven't you heard?"

Johanna shook her head in a quick 'no' "if it's gossip I wouldn't know, I don't participate. Besides, it's hardly ever true."

"Well, you'd be the first." Vivian sighed debating on telling her, "apparently I'm a pregnant slut and I've never even had sex."

Johanna's smile disappeared into a frown, "why would someone say that? That's so mean!"

Nodding she replied, "well that's how life is I suppose. They saw me kiss my-" What was Erik? He was just someone who was forcing her to marry him but she couldn't say that. "Boyfriend this morning when he dropped me off."


"He's a little older than us so I think they got the wrong idea."

"That's stupid. Date whoever you want. As long as you're happy, who cares?" Johanna stood up and pulled Vivian up with her, "come on the bell is gonna ring soon. Give me your Snapchat."

They exchanged usernames and parted ways heading to their last classes of the day. Did Vivian just make a friend? The thought made her smile. No one ever wanted to be her friend and that girl had been so nice to her. Maybe the school year would end well after all.

Getting through her last 2 classes, Vivian skipped down to the lot keys in hand, ready to retrieve her car and take it home. Her brother had called roadside assistance for her and they had changed her tire for her over the weekend.

Unlocking door she did a small dance to the music in her earbuds, hopping into the hot car. Turning on the AC she waited for it to cool down, rolling down her windows and sitting back.

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