Chapter 15

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Erik was dressed rather casually today, in a worn pair of jeans that had an obvious tear in the knee. He wore a plain black t-shirt that hugged him nicely. 30 looked damn good on Erik. He could have passed for a 25-year-old if he wanted too. Feeling her eyes on him, he gave her thigh a light squeeze and smirked.

"Whatcha looking at, mon amour?" He asked.

Not looking away, unembarrassed Vivian replied her head tilted slightly leaning against the seat. "Your tattoos. You don't usually show off your arms."

Erik let out a deep chuckle, flexing his arms a little showing off. "Well, I'm glad you noticed."

Tracing her finger along one of the wings of a horned angel that curled around his forearm as she examined his sleeve. He watched her out of the corner of his eye, goosebumps raising under her touch. He rubbed lightly on her thigh sighing slightly. He could get used to this.

"You are so perfect, baby girl." He told her suddenly, and her touch quickly disappeared from his arm. He looked away from the road momentarily to watch as she turned to face the window chewing on her thumb. "You are. Even without makeup."

She didn't believe him but she was not going to argue with him about it. She knew where that got her, and she had some thinking to do. Getting out of Erik's hold was going to be more difficult than she had originally thought. She had lulled herself to sleep in a false sense of confidence last night but this morning was a rude awakening. She had given in to him and she had enjoyed it.

Her door being opened pulled her out of her thoughts, and she watched as Erik leaned in and unbuckled her seatbelt for her.

"I'm not a child." She grumbled and stepped out into the baren McDonald's parking lot.

He pulled her into his side and kissed the top of her head, "I know but you're my princess."

She rolled her eyes, "Gag." This made Erik laugh but he kept his arm around her as they walked into the cool air conditioning.

"D'accord amour, what do you want?" (Okay love) He asked her standing in front of the counter looking at the menu with furrowed brows.

Biting her lip looking at the prices and not the food item, a penny-pinching habit she had when purchasing anything, she settled, "Just two breakfast burritos."

He frowned at that, "No." Looking up at him in shock she opened her mouth to say something but then thought better of it and just whispered a 'sorry.' Why would he bring her to get breakfast if she wasn't allowed to get breakfast? Tilting her head up to him Erik smirked down at her. "You have to get more than that. So breakfast burritos and..."

"Why do you care why I eat so much?"

"Well, I can't have you dying on me."

Rolling her eyes, "I'm not gonna die if I don't eat breakfast."

Ignoring her he turned to the man behind the register who was watching their exchange, "The breakfast burrito meal."

"Orange juice or coffee sir?"

He looked down at Vivian who sighed, "Orange juice." People buying things for her made her uncomfortable. She felt like a burden. Erik handed over his card, "Aren't you going to get something?" She asked him.

"Add on a coffee. Just black is fine." He said and the man behind the counter nodded, swiping the card and returning it. This made Vivian mad. So she had to eat but he could just have some coffee? Huffing she took her seat at one of the tables and laid her head in her hands.

"Come on Princess." Erik sat across from her at the table his lips in a thin line, "Why are you upset now?"

"You expect me to eat when I don't want to but you don't. So why should I?"

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