Chapter 69.5

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Vivian's mouth opened as if to answer him but snapped shut again, her head tilting in confusion. He still held her wrist in the air and she struggled to get him to release her but he wouldn't budge until she answered him.

"I don't want to go too far and lose you." He spoke softer, his grip loosening.

"Now?" She whined, just wanting him to touch her again. You don't get a girl all hot and bothered and leave her hanging!

"Yes, now." He lowered their joined hands, slipping his fingers through hers, "I need to know how... rough I can be."

"You can't be rough at all." She said immediately, "Well... just not right now." She added, not wanting him to think that she never wanted him to take her hard and rough. She had just a small taste of what it felt like for his animalistic impulses to take over and she craved more.

Of course, though, there were risks when it came to playing such dangerous games. Even if she wasn't pregnant, the extent of her PTSD hadn't yet been fully discovered and at any moment anything he did to her could take her back to that awful basement. All the sunlight blocked out, leaving only the cold darkness around her.

"But-" she trailed off, twisting the ends of his Briefs between her fingers, "I do like when you tell me to do things. I like it when you-" she swallowed the embarrassing spit caught in her throat and powered through, "Take control and make me- oh god." She dipped her head down to cover her blushed red face, her hair falling in tendrils around her.

Erik took a fistful of her auburn locks in his hand and tugged, not so much that it hurt but just enough to make her head snap up so he could see the beautiful pink highlights that flushed under her freckled skin.

He smirked as he stroked the back of his hand across her neck until it cupped under her chin, keeping her in place, "Finish your sentence, Vivian." He ordered into her ear, huskily, sending shivers through her body.

"I don't- I can't even remember what I said."

Erik clicked his tongue and shook his head in disapproval, the tips of his fingers beginning to lightly trail down her neck to trace the outline of her collar bone, "Now, that's not true."

"It's kinda difficult to remember things when you're touching me!" She squealed as he licked the shell of her ear and turned away from him.

"Oh is it now?" The purr of his voice made her weak at the knees and her mind go blank, "Do you want me to remind you?"

She stood there for a moment staring down into the clear water, wishing she had put in some bubbles when she finally realized what they were even in the bathroom for, "No, I want you to take off your underwear and get in the tub."

Erik's chuckle vibrated through his chest and she suppressed her smile with a sharp bite of her lip, "Oh, baby. You're forgetting who gives the orders around here."

"Then start giving orders," She sassed, pressing herself further into him, earing a groan. His hands traveled further down until he had a solid grasp on her breasts, making her gasp in surprise and excitement.

"Get on your knees."


How could someone's voice be so smooth, yet so rough at the same time? He made her squirm with want and need with just a single syllable and was impossible to disobey.

She was hungry.

She was starving.

For him.

She turned back around, his touch gliding across her skin with her movements, until she was facing him. Her own hands reached out and felt up his chiseled chest, sinking down with her to her knees so her fingers were looped in the waistband of his briefs.

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