Chapter 19

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She looked ravishing and Erik could not keep his eyes off of her. Everything about her set his body on fire and seeing her bare shoulders, and creamy thighs in that tight-fitting dress only made him want to ravish her more. He wanted to taste every inch of her, hold her bare body in his arms and never let her go.

They both wore their new outfits and they looked like a true couple. He was excited to take her out and show her off as his. To show the world that he was a happily taken man. To show the world how much he loved her, and make her birthday the most memorable.

While she was watching the world pass by through the window, Erik was memorizing the small spots on the side of her neck, and how when she breathed her chest moved in time with every other one of his heartbeats. He couldn't stop his hand from wandering up and down her leg as he thought of the things he could do to her.

He wanted to take her back to their home and show her how much he loved her. Make her feel his love, and pleasure her beyond her imagination. He wanted to touch her, to taste her. Make her squirm in between their sheets. Erik didn't leave much to the imagination, he was a good lover and he intended for Vivian to be the last woman to discover that. He would give her all of him, he would give her everything.

Erik hadn't told Vivian where they were going for her birthday dinner, said it was going to be a surprise. All Vivian wanted was a steak and baked potato. She was a simple girl, who like simple things. This dress was not one of those simple things. She felt like a box. The dress hugged her alright, all her non-existent curves. She thought she looked decent enough though and the necklace he had given her earlier truly topped off the outfit. She had also put a lot of effort into her makeup, so her face was sort of decent.

"Have I told you yet how amazing you look?" He asked her for the 10th time that night, making her want to bash her head into the window.

"Yes." She said monotone. She looked ugly.

He gave her thigh a squeeze before removing his hand and pulling into a parking space. Vivian looked up and her heart immediately fell. She was not going to ruin her birthday with raw fish. "You could have just brought me to a steak house," she stated, disappointed. He obviously didn't know her as well as he had claimed to.

"It's a really nice place, princess. I'm allowed to spend money on you whenever I want, and I am going to make this the best birthday you have ever had." He said stepping out of the car.

"I hate sushi." She wrinkled her nose. Huffing she opened the car door. "Let's get this over with."

A loud growl erupted from Erik's throat and she paused her movements realizing what she had done, "Close the damn door, Vivian." She quickly obeyed and sat back in her seat, staring at the door handle.

Looking at her for a moment, hand in his hair Erik thought. How could he forget she hates sushi? Everyone liked sushi. Well, Erik wasn't too fond of it, but he could put up with it. It was a nice place, he just wanted to impress her.

Slamming the driver's door closed and starting up the engine Erik pulled them out of the parking lot and raced for the freeway. Dodging cars, and going well over the speed limit he sped towards the nearest steakhouse. He said he would make everything perfect, and he would, no matter what.

"Slow down!" She screamed. Vivian hated being in cars, especially when she wasn't driving and in control, "You're going to get us killed." She held onto the door in fear making Erik just laugh and speed up, passing by another car.

Erik's hand was resting on her thigh as always, except his knuckles were almost touching the black lace panties that he had bought and told her to wear. She sucked in a breath and tried to push his hand down but he was much stronger. His index finger touched her sex ever so slightly and her breathing hitched.

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