Chapter 4

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Erik had finally spoken to his angel for the first time since he had seen her at the car lot only 3 months ago. He constantly replayed the sound of her voice in his head, savoring every syllable.

He clicked his tongue impatiently, constantly checking the time on his watch, 20 more minutes. Could he wait 20 more minutes when all he had to do was walk through those doors and he could make her his? She was right there within his grasp, yet he had to wait.

He hadn't taken his eyes off of her since they spoke, not trusting her or rather not trusting the company she was keeping. She was his and it would stay that way until the end of time.

He wanted to create a perfect and normal life with her, but that was not possible. She would never give him a chance, and he had wasted enough time waiting around for her to graduate. He needed to return home to France, but he wouldn't be leaving without her.

He had grown very fond of her and life without her now seemed impossible.

The longer he waited the more impatient he became and it was becoming difficult to control his temper, more so than it was before. Cigarettes were not enough anymore and he had begun to smoke over a pack a day, double what it was before he had ever seen.

Speaking of cigarettes he quickly opened up a new pack and balanced one in the corner of his mouth. Inhaling the fresh nicotine he closed his eyes trying to clear his mind.

He had done some research on Vivian's work, Murtle's, and discovered it was going under and fast. Seeing this as a perfect opportunity to get closer to his angel, he purchased a portion of it on a whim, the price barely making a dent in his bank account.

The plan was to keep the failing logo design company up and running for at least the next month, just until he could get Vivian out.

Owning only a 1/4 of the company normally wouldn't do him any good but this wasn't a normal situation. The owners were desperate and were allowing him to take an inside look at the companies workings. From there he would help them get back on their feet and then sell back his share of the company.

Far from any normal business deal, but outside of his Vivian, he didn't care. He could guarantee there was illegal activity behind the poorly named ma and pa shop. He wasn't the only large shareholder under the company, making him wonder exactly what was going on inside.

He didn't care about the legalities of being involved in such an operation, he could take them down in an instant, besides he didn't sign on with his legal name. Technically, he wasn't the owner, at least as far as they knew. According to the paperwork, a quarter of Murtle's was now under the control of a Mr. George M. Tolson.

Erik was being sent over by Mr. Tolson to check everything out and turn their profits around.

Finishing off the last of the cancer stick, he flicked it out the window and shut off the engine. Stepping out of his car, his phone began to buzz in his back pocket. Grumbling as he crossed the blazing hot parking lot he answered the call, "What? I'm about to head into a meeting."

"He won't cooperate, sir." Rick Farre his second in command informed him.

Erik pinched the bridge of his nose the tendons in his neck twitching as he continued to tense and intense his jaw, "I'll handle him later, give him over to Lynol."

"Yes, sir." He responded.

Ending the call he knocked on the glass doors, already knowing he needed a key card to get in. The middle-aged blonde woman behind the front desk raised her head and peered over at him from behind her glasses and buzzed him in.

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