Chapter 61

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"No." Vivian whispered in shock, "I thought we had more time. I- I thought- Erik..."

Johanna stepped away from Dannye's side and embraced her friend, "It'll be okay. This was bound to happen sooner or later, right?"

Vivian's cheeks burned from the tears that seared their way down her face, "I thought I had more time." She repeated but even softer.

"It's okay. We'll talk every day. I'll text you and call you all the time just like now!" Johanna tried to comfort her, holding her tightly.

"No need." Erik said, "You're coming with us."

Johanna furrowed her brow in confusion, not understanding what he meant. She wasn't going to France with them, "I don't- what do you mean?" She glanced over at Dannye who was awkwardly scratching the back of his neck nervously, "What does he mean, Dannye?" She asked through gritted teeth.

"Well, I'm going with them. I'm still in training to take over and-"

"To take over? Take over what?" She yelled, letting go of Vivian and stalking towards her now fiancé.

Dannye's eyes flickered from her to Erik and back again, answering Johanna's questions without saying a word.

"You never said anything about taking over!" She spun around again and glared at Erik. She wasn't afraid of him and was about to give him a piece of her mind, "You dirty, rotten, piece of shit!" She cursed, "Why? Why him? Why now?"

"Sit down." He commanded and when she didn't obey he pushed her into a bar stool, "This is for Vivian and only her. I don't care about your feelings on the matter. All I care about is keeping my wife and child safe. Are we clear?" He snarled, his face only inches from hers.

She nodded, slightly frightened, "I'm not going to France. I can't. My life is here." She turned her head to look at Dannye, "I'm sorry." She whispered and slipped the delicate ring off her finger and tried to hand it to him.

"No." He shook his head.

"I'm sorry." She repeated and stood from the stool, "I- I don't belong in your world. I thought this was temporary, but- I guess not. I'm sorry." She took his hand and placed the ring in his palm and sighed heavily. Tears were pooling in her eyes but she held them in as best as possible. She ran her hand along his soft stubble and pecked him lightly on the cheek.

"Johanna please, let's talk about this." He begged her, grabbing her wrist to stop her from leaving.

"Dannye-" she croaked and the dam of tears behind her eyes broke and a loud sob left her throat, "I can't." She shook herself free and raced down the hall and up the stairs.

Dannye watched her leave, distress contorting his face, "Johanna!" He called after her and sprinted off in the same direction.

Vivian lifted her head to meet her husband's eyes and took in a deep breathe, "I need to know. What is everyone not tell me?" She asked with conviction, "First it was Norijčíř now this! What is going on?"

Erik cupped her face in his hands and stroked her cheeks with his thumbs, brushing away the remnants of her tears. She grabbed onto his wrists and held him there, awaiting his answer.

"Please, tell me you took his deal. Please." She whispered.

"I didn't." He told her plainly, watching her face fall, "I didn't need to."

Her brow creased in confusion, "I don't understand."

"Mon amour, everything I do is to protect you and keep you safe, you must understand that." He bent down slightly and trailed his hands from her face down her shoulders and to her stomach, "You both are all I have and I can't lose you."

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