Chapter 42

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Vivian should have known better than to assume Ollie would forget or even forgive her wrongdoings. Ollie didn't forget anything his little vixen did.

He didn't want to hurt her but she needed to be punished. She broke his rules, his trust. She would learn her place, her place with him. They could be a happy family together. All he needed now was to get rid of Raires and they could get married.

The Markeelis were supposed to kill him, but Ollie should have never trusted that family to do anything important.

"Cupcake!" He called bounding down the stairs to the basement, unbuttoning his shirt along the way. He was excited for today, so excited he used her old nickname, "You can go, I can handle her from here." He relieved the two guards who immediately obeyed his commands and left.

Vivian sat up from where she laid and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She couldn't stand due to the condition of her feet, especially after last night's adventure.

He stalked towards her, a wide grin across his face, stopping before her. He twirled a loose strand of her hair around his finger before tucking it behind her ear.

He trailed his hand down across her shoulder, running his fingers down arm making the hairs stand up. He placed his hand over her stomach sighing heavily. He bent down onto his knees, kneeling before her, his hands on her thighs.

"Hi sweetheart, it's your daddy." He spoke softly.

Vivian's eyes widened at his words. What the fuck was wrong with this guy? That should be Erik talking to their child, not him. Not him!

"Daddy already loves you very much."

Her arms quickly covered her stomach in an act of protection, but he pulled them away his smile not disappearing an inch.

"And Daddy is very sorry for what he has to do to Mommy because he loves you both so much." He raised his eyes to meet hers and she pulled back quickly frightened.

"No! No! Please, Ollie!" She scrambled across the bed, falling over onto the other side. Her chain clinked against the metal baseboard as she tried to get as far away as possible.

"Come on Vivvy don't make this hard now," he pulled at his sleeve and began to remove his button-down while slowly walking towards her.

"I didn't do anything!" She screeched at him, tears burning behind her eyes, "Let me go!"

"Now you're gonna get it!" He growled and reached for her but she dodged him, "Come on Vivvy, be good for me. We wouldn't want anything to happen to the baby."

"You're not going to do anything!" She countered back jumping back towards the bed, trying to reach the other side. As she jumped up, ignoring the burning in her feet, he grabbed ahold of her ankle and she fell face-first onto the mattress.

"This could have been a lot easier if you would just listen to me. That's all you have to do!" His voice was dark and demanding. He crawled on top of her, holding her legs down with his body weight. She struggled against him but she was weak and knew it wouldn't matter, he would get her. He would always get what he wanted.

"You didn't actually think I forgot, did you?" He grunted, fighting to keep her down, though it wasn't much of a fight.

"I hate you!" She spat.

That hurt him.

"I was going to go easy on you, I really was but now-" he pulled her down to the edge of the bed so she was hanging off. He leaned in close to the side of her face, "Now you're gonna get it. You've had a day to heal... let's hope that was enough."

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