Chapter 44

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Vivian's heavy eyes fluttered open, but immediately closed again when she saw the bright sunlight coming in from the window. She squeezed her eyes shut tight and tried to fall back asleep, but Erik's voice in the hallway caught her attention.

"-How soon until we can have an ultrasound?" She heard him asking.


He knew. How did he know?

"Well we can perform one now but as it is still early it would be a bit of a different procedure. Which I don't think would be... wise in her condition."

"What do you mean?" Erik asked, clearly frustrated.

Vivian knew what the doctor meant and she agreed. She didn't want anything inside of her. She could still feel Ollie's touch. Each cut and bruise he left on her.

Who Vivian presumed to be the doctor continued speaking, "It would be a vaginal ultrasound at this stage of her pregnancy if we want any accurate results, but I highly doubt she will be comfortable with that Signore. Not after everything she has been through."

She heard Erik sigh heavily and the door to her room being pushed open, and clicking closed softly.

He moved to the window, his large arms crossed and hair clearly showing his distress.

Vivian sat up in the bed, picking at the scratchy blanket she was given, "How much do you know?" She asked, just above a whisper.

He turned to face her, one hand rubbing at his beard. He dropped his hands to his side and moved away from the window to sit beside her.

She unconsciously brought her hand to her stomach and she looked down at her lap in shame.

What if he left her?

Though Vivian couldn't see him Erik smiled and moved closer to her removing her hand from where it rested on her undeveloped bump. She looked up at him in sadness and watched his large hands engulf her small stomach.

"All I know that I'm happy." He spoke softly, "I'm going to be a father."

She shook her head and tried to pull his hands off of her, tears building behind her eyes, "No."


"What if it isn't yours?" She stuttered as the tears began to fall, dropping from her eyelashes onto his hand, "I'm so sorry."

No. No. This was his child. What was she talking about?

"No. The doctor said your 8 weeks, that means it's mine. It has to be mine." His voice was steadily growing more violent. He ripped his hands away from her and tugged at his hair standing up from the bed, "I don't care what he did to you, that child is mine, Vivian. Mine!"

Now the tears were falling full force and she covered her mouth as a sob tore through her. His face fell at the sight of his distressed wife. She pulled her legs under her and continued to cry into her hand, rocking back and forth slightly.

He dropped to his knees beside the bed and tried to reach out for her but she scooted away. He rested his head on the pathetic mattress, cursing himself for not thinking his words through, "That's not what I meant. I do care. I care very much about what he did to you. I'll cut off his dick and make him eat it if it would make you happy." He looked up at her, "Please, don't be upset with me. I just got you back, I can't lose you again."

She watched him, tears still heavily flowing from her eyes, "How many weeks did you say I am?" She asked.

"The doctor told me 8. That would be around the first week of our honeymoon, Vivian it has to be mine." He grabbed her hand, "It has to be."

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