Chapter 62

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Vivian sighed and stood up, holding her stomach, her son squirming with her movements. She staggered towards the door and twisted the knob, exposing her brother and Erik standing outside the door in the hall. Dannye practically had his ear pressed to the door and Erik was leaning against the opposite wall, his foot propped up behind him. He had his arms crossed and a smirk marking his face.

Dannye straightened up and looked away from Vivian's questions gaze, "We- we weren't eavesdropping."

"It's rude to talk about people behind their backs, amour." Erik teased and pushed himself off the wall, stalking toward her, "Would you care to repeat yourself?"

Vivian raised her left brow and rolled her eyes at him, "I'm pretty sure you heard me just fine." She stepped aside to allow Dannye through and he quickly rushed past her to Johanna, "You coming in or what?"

He nodded, placing his hand on the small of her back, guiding her into the room. Dannye was sitting beside Johanna on the bed, sliding the beautiful ring back onto her finger. She grabbed his face and kissed him sloppily, before pulling away and admiring the elegant diamonds.

"I'll finish making the final arrangements. We leave Monday." Erik told them emotionless, leaving his tone commanding and serious.

Johanna looked up from her hand and frowned, "That seems very soon, I mean I have a lot to do. I don't have a passport or any of my stuff packed. Jesus, what am I gonna tell my father?" She started to trail off in a barrage of worry.

Dannye slid closer to her on the bed and laid a comforting arm around her waist, "We will get it all taken care of. As for your father..." He didn't know what to say. Johanna was an only child with a single father. He wouldn't be too happy about letting his daughter move to the other side of the world.

"We'll figure it out." Vivian jumped in, "Right?" She looked up at Erik who was watching her adoringly.

He just smiled slightly, the left corner of his mouth lifting up, his eyes shining brightly. He had heard every word she had said about him through the door and he was elated. To hear her speak so fondly and sure of their relationship left him overjoyed.

If he didn't want to pounce on her before, he surely did now. He smirked just thinking about when they arrived home at his cottage in France.

The first thing the would-be doing was christening their sheets, their bed, the bathroom, every room in the house wouldn't go untouched by their love. A love he never imagined having until he found her. A future for which he had not planned, but now it was all falling into place and the rest of their lives was just beginning.

"Dinners ready!" Mrs. D'inia called up the stairs interrupting Erik's thoughts and opening a whole case of worry inside of Vivian.

"Shit." She muttered and turned away heading down to the kitchen, gnawing thoughtfully on her thumb. Erik caught up with her and took her small hand in his own and walked alongside her down the steps.

Dannye and Johanna could be heard behind them, a collection of excited giggles escaping her as she examined the gorgeous ring that now signified her tie to the man she had grown so deeply to care for.

Erik squeezed his wife's hand, noticing her distracted gaze, wanting to know what was on her mind. When that didn't garner her attention, he took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilted her face to him. By this point, they had reached the bottom of the stairs and he led her off a bit to the side so they were out of Dannye and Johanna's way.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" He pinched a strand of hair that was sticking and moved it to the opposite side of her head.

"What are we gonna tell my dad?" She asked, a twinge in her voice.

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