Chapter 57

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Erik watched her leave, resisting the urge to chase after her and make sure she was alright. He knew she needed to be alone right now and he would much prefer she wasn't present for when he slit their throats.

She may have asked them to stop their torture and just kill them, but there was one thing still left to do, "Dannye, get me the crocodile shears." He immediately complied, jumping to his feet and retrieving the tool with a wicked grin.

The two guards, who had been standing idly by, picked Ollie up off the ground and held him steady, so Erik could remove what remained of his clothes.

Fully exposed, Ollie didn't make any attempts to move or escape. His head rolled back in exhaustion and only small groans of pain were all he could manage in his condition.

Dannye placed the murderous tool in Erik's outstretched palm, glaring daggers at the weak boy chained to the ground. Erik circled him, turning the shears in his hand, examining the sharp teeth on either end.

Similar to that of a pair of scissors, the blades of the shears would open, exposing the rows of sharp teeth in the shape of a V on either end of the blades.

Erik knelt in front of Ollie, taunting him, "One last thing before I kill you. Your dick will be in one of Lynol's jars."

And there among those jars, hidden in Lynol's room, away from Ollie's screams, she was safe. No one could hurt her. It was all just a bad dream and she would wake up with Erik beside her and Lynol making noise in the kitchen.

That's what she hoped for anyway, but dreams never came true for the D'inia family. One misfortune after the other and it seemed as if Vivian had fallen into a pit of bad luck and couldn't swim her way out.

All she wanted was to sleep. Sleep for a very long time.

And that's where Erik found her. Curled up, fast asleep in Lynol's bed, cuddling one of his flannels. He sighed at her disheveled appearance and carefully scooped her up into his arms, her face buried in his chest, her fingers still desperately clutching the fabric.

He carried her out through the basement and up the stairs, past Ollie and Gino's lifeless bodies. Dannye and a few other men would handle disposal, but right now Eirk's job was to make sure his wife was okay.

Once they had reached their old room, he laid her down gently on the slightly dusty duvet. No one had slept in this room in a while and the last time he had even been here was to collect some clothes for when he moved into Vivian's parents' house.

Crimson specks of blood littered her pale hands and arms from where her sleeves had been pushed up. He ran his hands over her smooth skin, down to her stomach. He bent down and kissed her bump lovingly and looked up at his sleeping angel. Never in his life had he ever thought he would meet such a perfect woman that he could spend the rest of his life with. A woman that would give him a family and more.

"I have to go now, baby, but I'll be back." He kissed her cheek, inhaling her sweet scent, before letting go. He ran a hand over his face and sighed. He needed to sleep, preferably with Vivian by his side, but there was too much work to be done.

He closed the door behind him, careful not to make any sound and hustled back down the hall and to the basement, meeting up with Dannye who had already gotten a head start on dismembering the Falvarsis. Both throats had been cut deep, the corpses still leaking blood.

"Dannye, come with me," Erik called. One of the other men took the saw and replaced Dannye in removing Ollie's right arm.

Erik tossed him a towel, so he could wipe the blood off of his hands and motioned for him to follow.

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