Chapter 40

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Who the hell invented heels? Whoever it was needed to be sent on a long walk in a pair of stilettos so they can think about what they've done to the poor feet of women. Vivian could also think of several other people that needed to go on a long walk in heels, off a cliff but now was not the time for thinking.

Norijčíř and all of his men were on their way to the house and Vivian was scurrying around making sure everything was prepared. For the past 3 days, she had been trained, disciplined and forced into the life of a mafia housewife.

She was taught to never look any of the men in the eye, not speak unless spoken too, keep her head done, and make sure everyone was entertained and being taken care of. How she was supposed to do that without speaking to them, she didn't know. She also wasn't allowed to eat in the same room as them, so she would be taking her meals in the kitchen with the maids. That didn't bother her much though, it gave her time to plan and or execute her escape plan.

She didn't know what that plan was yet, even after days and days of thinking about it, but hopefully, she would be able to wing it when the time came.

She held herself tall, in the form-fitting black dress Ollie had given her while waiting for their guests to arrive. She was expected by his side so he could introduce her but was not allowed to greet them herself.

Ollie had yet to come downstairs from his office leaving Vivian waiting at the bottom of the steps in pinching high heels. Her same guard from the previous days was standing off to the right keeping a watchful eye on her as commanded, making her squirm slightly. She still did not know if she should trust him or if Ollie was testing her with a chance at freedom. Still, she had to try.

The clicking of Gino's cane down the opposite hall made her turn her head, before quickly turning away again. "You will be on your best behavior my little gattina or I won't hesitate to punish you myself in front of our guests."

"Of course, sir." She spoke softly with her head down. Hopefully escaping is what you mean by 'best behavior.'

The clicking of his cane drew closer until he stood in front of her, looking her over.

"You look... stunning gattina." She could feel his crooked smirk as his eyes raked over her body. This dress was too tight and was sure to catch more than a few eyes. Unwanted eyes, "I wouldn't mind getting my chance to punish you."

Not gonna happen, creep!

She remained silent unsure of any type of response that wouldn't end with a fire poker burning her fingertips.

His thick fingers brushed aside a small piece of hair gracing across her cheek and pulling her bottom lip. He released her with a satisfied 'hmph' and stood beside the guard watching her.

Controlling her breathing she refocused on coming up with an escape plan, but everything seemed so impossible. If she managed to get outside there were guards posted at every turn, especially with the Czech mafia boss joining them for a few days.

"Papà! Dove sono loro?" (Where are they?) Ollie's voice echoed down from the top of the stairs.

"Arrivano qui quando arrivano qui." (They get here when they get here) Gino grumbled back, adjusting his posture a bit so he was leaning more comfortably against the wall.


Immediately her head whipped upwards at the harsh tone and she accidentally caught Ollie's eye. She looked off to the side quickly, swallowing the fear in her throat.

"Come here Kitten." She slowly placed her foot on the bottom step and climbed to where he waited at the top. This was the first time she had actually been even allowed up the stairs, "If you are good today you will be allowed to stay up here... with me." He grabbed onto her waist and pulled her closer to his side placing his hand across her still flat stomach. She wasn't even showing yet which helped make it seem less real, "You'll be much more comfortable and so will our baby. Won't you like that my dear?"

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