Chapter 19

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We finally arrived at the museum. It was a bit chilly in there, as all museums are.
The walls were plastered with tons of facts about math and science. Anything from the solar system and it's scale to nature and all it's creatures. This place was amazing. I was so excited to explore it with Kagami.

After checking in I grabbed a map. It showed us all the wings of the museum so that we could find which places to go to first. I saw the section on old cultures. I was confused about why this was here so I asked Ms.Carter.
"Ms.Carter, what do ancient cultures have to do with modern day math and science?" I tilted my head to show that I was confused. "Ah that's a new exhibit they just opened. It's all theories about how people, like the ancient Romans, were able to built such massive structures with their technology. Not only the Romans, but ancient Egypt, ancient Mayans, and etc. That exhibit has lots of facts about math and science that give theories as to how they could do this... Oh my. It's seems I'm rambling." She gave a slightly embarrassed smile.
"Well since you seem to know a lot about it why don't you come with us?" I said sincerely.
"What do you mean 'us'?" Oh that's right. I forgot she doesn't really know about Kagami. I told her in the bus I'm his girlfriend, but I doubt she remembers.
"Kagami and I." I nudged her in the stomach "We are dating after all."
Ms.Carter squealed as if she was a school girl.
"Ooooohhh that's right! You told me earlier that you two are boyf-" I put my hand on her mouth to shut her up. She was saying it really loudly and I didn't want others to hear. She moved her hand away from my face and talked in a softer voice. "Sorry. I'll be quieter." She gave a smile.

"Kagami come on!" I tugged at his shirt.
"What!? I just want to get a sandwich." He was skimming through the menu.
"You had a giant breakfast before we came here. Let's gooooo~ You can get food later." I started to whin at him. Why does he have to be so hungry all the time? Pain.
"Fine lets go." He stopped looking at the menu. "But since I'm not buying lunch now I get to walk around the museum with my arm around you. No if, ands, buts, or ors." He swung his arm around and rested it on my shoulders. I let out a sigh and started to walk. No point in arguing with him now. If I told him no then he'd just go and buy something off the menu.

He kept his arm around me as I walked up to Ms.Carter.
"You two ready?" She asked with glee.
"Yep." We replied in sync.

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