Chapter 32

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Hello~ I figured out how to end this story and it's gonna be good! Sorry for taking soooooo long but I'm back. FOR REAL THIS TIME!
Anyway please enjoy this chapter. Bye bye~

Novas perspective~
*almost the end of the game*

Kagami and Aomime had gone head to head. No matter how hard Sierin tried they just couldn't catch up. They gave it there all but there was no way they would win.

I felt my heart sink and I found myself unable to look at the court. Kagami was struggling and it was painful to watch.

Just before the buzzer beeped I finally looked at the court and called to Kagami.
I'm sure I sounded reaaaaaaaallllly sappy but at the moment I didn't care.
"KAGAMI DONT GIVE UP!" I pumped my fist in the air and Kise chimmed it too.

We cheered together as the final buzzer beeped and ended the game.
Sierin lost to Tōō so Kagami didn't defeat Aomine.

I wanted to cry for Kagami. I started to run down to the court but Kise grabbed my arm.
"Novacchi..." He said while looking down at the ground. "Do you think Kagami wants you to feel bad for him?" He was dead serious. If eyes could kill Kise would have just committed a murder.

"Well... No... He wouldn't like that." I said.
Kise patted my head and sat me down.
"He'll be ok Novacchi. This will make him strong." He said staring out at the court.

Seirin and Tōō walked back into their changing rooms.
I figured this was a good time to see Momoi.

I ran down to Momoi. She spotted me and started to run too. She hugged me with one of her back breaking hugs.

"Momoi... I-I..." I started to say.
She let go. "Oh sorry Nova!" She patted down my outfit and kept asking if I was ok.
"Yes yes I'm fine. How are you!?"
"Oh I'm doing great. Turns out one of closet friends from when I was little goes here. His name is Aomine."

She's friends with Aomine! Uh oh...

Kagami came over and slumped on my shoulder. "Nova who is this? I'm tired lets go home." I let out a sigh "Sorry Momoi this is my boyfriend, Kagami. Kagami say hi to Momoi she's my friend."

Kagami perked up at the word friend.
"Ah so she's that girl you told me about."


I cringed when Momoi said that. I forgot she knew I used to sing.

This news made Kagami quite interested.
"You know Nova maybe it's not such a bad idea to hang out with her. I could learn a thing or two."

I facepalmed. "Nova you didn't tell him?"
"No..." I looked to the ground and clicked my feet together.

I suddenly felt a very large presence and looked up. I was met with a very tall, tan skinned, blue haired boy.

"Oi, what do you want?" He said.
"Hey leave my girl alone." Kagami butted in.
"Urisai, bakagami."

You know I might just understand why Kagami is rivals with this guy.

Guys I love Aomine so don't take offense if I accidentally make him seem like an asshole throughout the rest of the story. Just the way the cookie crumbles.

Also... *cough cough* WHAT THE WHAT!? Over 1,000 reads on this book! Holy crap thank you all so much. I'll make a special thank you chapter at the end to fully explain my feelings, but for now just know that I love you all and thank you so much for reading. :D

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