Chapter 36

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Kagami called the agency the next day and told them he would come.

We were driven to the airport by the same cab driver Kagami had a few weeks back.

"Hey how's it going!? Didn't expect to see you again. I see your girl is better." The man said with a brilliant smile.

"Oh it's been good. Yeah this is my girlfriend. We are going to the airport." Kagami said as he shook the mans hand.
"Well come on, time is wastin'." The man opened the door for us.

Time had past as Kagami, the man and I rode in complete silence.

I was thinking about everything that had happened over the past few months.
God, I have changed a lot.

My thoughts were interrupted by a shaky hand intertwining with mine. Kagami didn't look at me, he just wanted to hold my hand.
"Hey." I said softly.
"It's gonna be alright."

He only nodded in response.

Then the driver spoke up.
"So why are you two love birds going to the airport on this fine day?"
Kagami seemed to snap out of his weird attitude and answered the question.
"Well I'm going to America... She's just joining me until we get to the airport."
"Ah I understand. So how long will you be there?"

Here's the part that hurt the most for Kagami and I.

Simultaneously we replied "Two years."

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