Chapter 24

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It had been a week since my Uncle and Aunts death.
Kagami and I both attended their funeral a few days later. He continued to stay at my place and comfort me.
During those days we'd go to school, were most people still acted the same. However a few did hear about what happened and gave an apology.

Every night I would have a nightmare and wake up screaming. I dreamt about Lizzy being hit by the car and my Uncle and Aunt in a plane engine explosion. They were graphic and terrifying.
I would end up waking Kagami too and he'd have to essentially rock me back to sleep.
"Kagami... I'm scared..." I whimpered. "Shhh it's all gonna be ok. I'm right here." He hugged me as I sat in his large lap. He picked me up and turned me over so that I was facing him. He brought his head down to mine and kissed me passionately. I was over taken by his warmth and soon found myself sleeping.

The next day when I woke up their was a knock at the door.
"I got it!" I told Kagami.
I opened up the door and saw two officers standing on my deck.
"Oh good morning officers. Can I help you?"
"Ah you must be Ms.Nova." The fatter cop said.
"Yes that's me." "Well we have some bad news about your Uncle and Aunts death." Said the skinnier cop. "May we come in?" The fatter one spoke.

I nodded and moved aside to allow them to enter.
They entered the house. "Please take off your shoes." I said. I mean the floor was just cleaned. I don't care if you're cops, take off your god damn shoes.
They slid their shoes off and walked inside. Ka game was in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Nova who's there?" "Just some officers. They have some news about my relatives." "...ok"
I could tell from the tone of his voice he wasn't happy some cops were here. I wasn't either but I had to deal with it for now.

Kagami hung up his apron and sat down with us. The fatter officer spoke "Ms.Nova and Mr.Kagami, we have some news for you." The skinner cop locked eyes with me "Ms.Nova..." He paused and actually seemed regretful of what he was about to say, it shocked me. "Your Aunt and Uncle didn't finish paying off this house. The money they left behind was enough but the bank won't except a financial payment from someone under the age of 18. I'm sorry to say but, unless you have other relatives you can live with you'll be moved out of this house and into an orphanage."

I was just done. I don't know what I ever did to deserve the hell of a life I got stuck with. At this point just let me have it. What else can life take away from me? I've got almost nothing left.

Kagami's eyes burned with rage and anger. He was trying his best to contain it but his best wasn't enough. As if he was a leopard he pounced across the table. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE BANK WONT EXCEPT IT? MONEY IS MONEY! THEY DINT GIVE TWO SHITS WHO ITS FROM!"
I grabbed him from underneath his shoulders and pulled him back. "Kagami..." I whispered in his ear "please..."
Tears started to form in my eyes and Kagami instantly calmed down. He faced the officers "I'm sorry." He bowed.

"We understand your point Mr.Kagami. But as police man we don't make the laws, we just enforce them." The skinny cop said. "The bank will be here in 3 days to confiscate the house. I suggest you make a plan about what to do Ms.Nova." The fatter one said.

They stood up, grabbed there shoes and walked out of the house.
'Good riddance.' I thought.
"Nova..." Kagami looked at me "what are we gonna do?"
Kagami, I don't know myself.

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