Chapter 29

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Tõõ gym~
Kagami and I walked into a HUGE gym. I awed at the size and bright lights. This place was a lot bigger then the gym we had at Seirin. We proceed to head to the locker room were all Kagami's basketball friends were.
"Hey guys." Kagami said as he opened the door.
"Hey Kagami. Who is this?" Said a guy wearing glasses.
"Oh this is Nova... My girlfriend." He blushed.
"Ah so this is the Nova you always talk about! Nice to meet you!" Said a really tall guy will brown hair. He had the biggest smile I had ever seen plastered on his face. He walked over and patted me on the head.
"I hope you're taking good care of our Ace." He said.
"Teppei stop patting her! You're pats fucking hurt!" Kagami said in a very pissed off tone.
"Oh sorry. Did I hurt you?" Teppei said with concern.
"No I'm fine."

"Alright." Kagami started. "Let me introduce you to the whole team."
He had everybody line up and he walked by each member telling me there names.
"This guy is Hyuga, the captain."
"Hello Nova." Hyuga said.
This guy had a really powerful aura coming off of him. It was quite intimidating. "Nice to meet you Hyuga." I replied.

"This is Mitobe, he doesn't talk."
The tall, black haired boy waved to me with a smile on his face.
"Hello Mitobe." I smiled back.

"This is Teppei and he's got really big hands so they hurt when he pats you... Which is all the time." Teppei give another toothy smile.

"This is Izuki, he makes really bad puns."
"Nice to meet you Nova. Wait? Does this mean I'm meeting a star!"
I facepalmed. Never heard that one before. Yes my name was Nova but that doesn't mean I'm a galaxy or anything like that. While in my facepalm position I simply waved off Izuki.
"Yeah yeah, nice to meet you."

"And then Kuroko. You already know him though."
"Hello Nova-kun." Kuroko said in his monotone voice.
"Hi Kuroko."

"KAGAMI WHAT ABOUT ME YOU ASSHOLE!" A short brown haired girl came out of now where and karate kicked Kagami. He stood back up rubbing the large bump on his head.
"Ah right sorry. This is Riko our coach."
Kagami walked over to me and whispered in my ear "watch out for her cooking. It's really bad."
"I HEARD THAT!" Riko hit Kagami on the head and he plopped over.

"Hello Nova. Nice to meet you! I see you've been taking good care of Kagmai because he's still the same baka."
"Ummm thanks... I guess."
Wow this girl was just brimming with energy and emotions. She was really nice though and treated me very kindly. I decided to act nicely towards her and maybe we'd get along.

Pretty soon we found out we had a lot in common. We both were girls (obviously) but we also had similar personalities. We sat in the locker room and just talked for what seemed like hours. I felt like I actually had a friend who was a girl, it was nice.

"Alright!" She said standing up with her hands on her hips. "Time to go kick some ass!" All the team cheered "YEAH!" And I decided to join in.
"Oh wait Nova could you just step out for a moment. I need to give these guys a secret pep talk." She winked at me then slowly turned around and gave them a death glare. I giggled and figured they had done something earlier that pissed off Riko.
"Ok see you guys out there. Good luck!" I said and walked out.

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