Chapter 25

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I walked into Ms.Carters class.
"Novaaaa!~" she said and hugged me. "Hi Ms.Carter." I hugged her back.
"How's it going? Are you alright?" Ms.Carter asked.
"Yeah just fine. It still hurts but I'm getting better." I gave her a fake smile.
"Well that's good. Do you need any help with anything? I'm always here."
Say yes. Tell her!
"No, but thanks for the offer."

*ring ring* ~school bell

"Ok we'll go take your seat honey." She smiled sweetly at me.

I sat and timed seem to move so slowly. I could see Ms.Carter talking, teaching us something about math, but I couldn't understand any of it. All her words and actions were moving to slow for me to register. The lack of sleep was taking its toll on my body, and knew I was paying the price. Soon I started to feel my eyes get heavier and heavier, until *THUD*

I KNOW, I KNOW! This chapter is painfully short, but the next one is gonna be really good!
A lot of happy stuff is gonna happen and I just can't wait!

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