Chapter 5

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The day had finally ended. I gave out a long, heavy sigh as I walked towards Kagami's locker. He said he'd have to meet up with a teacher before coming to get me. I figured I'd have to wait a few minutes for him to be finished talking. I stood in front of his locker and felt really nervous. Thousands of little love notes were sticking out of Kagami's locker. He'd become quite popular since coming to Serin and joining the basketball team. 'I should go to one of his games or practices.' I thought. I guess a lot of girls had crushes on him and memorized his locker number. I knew I'd be dead if one of his fan girls saw me waiting at his locker.

*click click* I heard the sound of heels clicking down the halls. It could only mean one thing... Bethany was coming. She had three boys following her, one of them being her boyfriend. I tried to stay calm, hopping that she didn't question why I was at Kagami's locker. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Nova waiting for Kagami at his locker." She had spotted me and was about to left me have it. Her voice was angry and low "Listen honey, you dont have a chance with him." She looked me dead in the eyes and slowly but surely crushed me with words. I tried my best to hold back things I wanted to say. Just tell her to stop. Tell her to leave her to leave me alone. I don't like Kagami lie that. Please, just let me have one friend.

"STOP!" I shouted and then wished I could swallow my words. "What did you say to me?" Her tone had shifted and her boyfriend perked up. "I-I said stop. Stop bullying me." I tried to sound confident but it came of as weak.

Bethany could sense this and took advantage. At the snap of her fingers the three men pounced. One grabbed my throat and pulled my into the air. I could feel the air slowly draining from my lungs and it became difficult to breath. Bethany's boyfriend then stepped up. "I warned you didn't I? Should have listened to me. Nobody is an asshole to my girl." He then took his hand and made a fist. He then raised it high up and made it come crashing down in my stomach. I couldn't even scream due to the lack of oxygen. The punch made my entire, dangling body coil. The boy holding me up also made a fist. He brought it down hard and it landed on my face, sending me flying to a locker only to crash into it. The impact was so great I could feel the locker had dented. "Hey don't hit her to hard. We need her to be conscious and feel the pain." Bethany's boyfriend picked my head up by my hair. Tears streaming down my face as I cried and whimpered in pain. I had coughed up a good amount of blood and was bleeding from a cut on my head. He then let go of my brown locks, making my face hit the cold, hard floor. Things went blurry and I started to doze in and out of consciousness. 'Kagami, where are you?' I thought 'Maybe he lied. Maybe he never intended to hang out with me. Maybe he left like everyone else. I thought he was different.' These thoughts made me cry more. I felt feet come crashing into my torso over and over, making me cough up more blood. A few ribs had certainly been broken as well as multiple bruises were forming. Just when I thought the pain would never end I heard a low, loud yell.

I'm trying to make the chapters a bit longer. Hope you all are ok with that. Ok see you next time! :)

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