Chapter 38

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Days spiraled into weeks, and those weeks soon slipped into years.

Two years had passed since Kagami left.

In the beginning we texted each other and sometimes spoke on the phone. But soon he was too busy with school and basketball, plus the difference in time zones wasn't helping.

Momoi and I started hanging out more, which was nice. She would help me practice to sing for when Kagami got back.

The time had come for Kagami to finally come home and there is going to be a huge surprise for him.

Momoi and I set everything up in the gym and waited for Kagami to finally make it here.

Kagami's Perspective~

I got off the airplane and made my way out of the airport. I hooted and hollered for a taxi since I wanted to get home as soon as possible.

Once the ride was over I bolted to the front door of Novas house, only to find that nobody was home.
I looked under the mat for the spare key but instead I found a note.
"Remember where you confessed your love for me? Now let me confess my love for you. ~Nova."

As if I could ever forget this. I left my bags in front of her door and ran like I was Forrest Gump. Over and over I said the destination that my feet were carrying me to... The Gym.

I pushed and pushed on the door, which didn't work. I kicked the doors, which didn't work.
Nothing was working! But I had to get inside.

"Kagami-kun you have to puss them open." Said an all to familiar voice.

"Kuroko!?" I turned around and sure enough my blue haired best friend was right there.

"Welcome back Kagami-kun." Kuroko said with one of his rare smiles.

He pushed the door open for me and I stepped inside. The gym was pitch black until I got to the first row of bleachers.

Music starting playing and lights turned on.
As I made my way further down to the court I heard a voice.
As I got even closer I started to see people on a small stage in the center. All of them playing some sort of instrument.
But where was Nova? I hear her voice but I can't see her.

Just take a breath and let it go.

There right in front of me was my girlfriend. Singing, dancing, smiling.
Tears welled up in both of our eyes as we saw each other for the first time in years.
She had one of the most beautiful voices I had ever heard, and I wish she would sing more often now.

Making her way down the stage she hoped off and ran to me. She took my hand and pulled me back the stage.
There she sat me down in a chair as she and other people danced.

When heaven seems so far away.
And dreams are just a memory.
When love is all to hard to hold.
Just take a breath and let it...

As the song closed Nova caught her breath and walked closer to me. Once she got to my chair she sat on my lap and said
"Welcome home."
Then proceeded to kiss me.

Our friends and family started to blow whistles at us but we ignored them. All that mattered at that moment was Nova.

Once we were done it was my turn to surprise her.
"Hey Nova I have I question, but it requires you to stand."
She seemed a bit confused as she said "Ok."
She stood up and I kneeled down.

Everything in that moment seemed to click for her and she understood what was about to happen.

Out of my back pocket a took out a small red velvet box and held it in my palm.

I looked at up at her, her face is total shock.

"Nova, I love you more than anything. Even more than basketball and burgers."
She laughed at that.
"So I would now like to ask the question..."
I opened up the small box to reveal a ring studded with diamonds and a red gem.
"Will you marry me?"

With one final word we both sealed our fate together. With one final word we became each other's other half. With one final word she had chosen me as her husband.

What was that final word?

Thank you all for reading this fanfic and I hope you enjoyed! It has had its ups and downs but I've enjoyed writing it. Thanks for sticking around this long and reading it. This is the final time I'll be updating this on this story *cries*.

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