Ch. 24: Right When I Need You

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You run behind the school buildings, trying to be as stealthy as possible so as not to be seen. Hyunjin's fangirls seem to be really out there to kill you.

However, out of nowhere, not even five minutes since you got out of the clinic, you suddenly find yourself spotted and pointed out by one of those said girls, and your eyes widen as you suddenly see many more girls appearing behind her and looking at you with malicious intent.

At that point, you swore, if there was a day that just wasn't yours, it would be this.

You quickly turn around and run as those girls start running after you in a group, and somehow, through all this chaos, part of you is laughing at how ironic the situation is.

You're Jeon Y/N. The rowdy elite. If you really were that rowdy, why are you running away instead of facing those girls and fighting them? In fact, they should actually be scared of you, right?

You're snapped out of your thoughts when someone suddenly grabs your wrist just as you reach a corner, and pulls you behind them up until you enter what seems to be a storage room in the school building. "Wha- what- How- Where am I?" you ask, almost out of breath as you turn to your potential life saver to see a girl slightly younger than you.

She seems panicked just as you are, but then she leads you to a table with a seat before placing a water bottle on the table and pushing it towards you. "Here. Drink this. Those girls won't be able to find you for a while while you're here, so you should be able to rest," she tells you.

A thankful sigh escapes you as you bend your head, then you reach out for the water bottle only to stop just as you grab it.

"What's wrong?" the girl asks, and you look towards her, almost glaring, as you still grip the bottle.

Granted, with everything that's been happening to you, you know you need all the help you can get. But what if this girl had plans? Surely, not everyone would take to only one modus operandi to get to you, right?

You just can't help but feel suspicious of the girl standing on the other side of the table from you, looking at you with concern...

And yet... you still need help.

And a sigh escapes you as you finally bring the water bottle towards you, taking off the cap and drinking from it. You needed the water, after all.

After drinking, you breathe out deeply before turning to the girl. "Thanks," you say, your eyes soon wandering towards her name tag, "Min Heejin." "She is younger than me," you think to yourself as you notice her class.

Heejin smiles brightly at you just as you look up at her. "No problem!"

A light laugh escapes you as you balance yourself by holding onto the bottle, your breathing slowly going back to normal... and then, something weird happened. Out of nowhere, your eyesight goes blurry and you seem to lose consciousness for a split-second before you get your consciousness back. You place your hand on your forehead, and you look up at Heejin to see her smiling maliciously as she  looks at you, her kind demeanor now gone.

"It worked!" she  exclaims, and you become surprised at your discovery. So you shouldn't have trusted her at all.

"You!" you say angrily at her, only for your head to throb, making you grab your head again. "Aish..."

"Don't worry, 'unnie'," she tells you as she slowly walks around the table towards you. "I won't do anything bad to you... they will." Heejin gestures to the door leading out of the room, and you glance towards it before turning back to the younger girl.

A shout escapes you as you quickly flip the table onto her, making her scream before you run out of the place, trying to find a better hiding spot once again as your head starts to throb even more and your vision starts getting blurry.

See You In My Dreams (Stray Kids X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now