Ch. 36: Misdirected Torture

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"Stop. Just stop."

"You're nothing but garbage. You should have never been born."

"Please. I swear I didn't do it."

"Your mother must be so ashamed of you right now. Hey, why don't you just do us all a favor and just stop existing?"

"I beg you. Please."

"You're not actually planning on doing it again, are you? Oh my gosh, wbo are you planning to kill next, you b*tch?"

"I'm not planning to hurt anyone. I swear."

"What are you suddenly too scared to come out? I heard you've been hiding in the janitor's closet all this time."

"Wait, what? No way!"


"Ha! If she's going to hide somewhere, she should at least hide in a trash can. Right where she belongs!"

"Or she can just die. That would be better."

"Exactly. Just die already, Park Juyeon."

"Right. Just die.

"Go kill yourself."

"No one's going to miss you anyway. Go jump of a cliff or something."





Juyeon screams, waking up from her sleep and grabbing the attention of everyone in the class, even the teacher who looks at her with an irritated expression.

Almost instantly, murmurs start among the students, murmurs about her, and Juyeon hears two or three comments about her much like the ones from her dream. Nightmare, I should say.

"Park Juyeon, is there a problem?" the teacher asks her, his gaze penetrating through his glasses and piercing through the girl who looks at him with a rather scared expression.

"N-no, sir. There's no problem, at all," she replies, and the teacher snorts before turning back to the board, continuing his discussion. And as soon as he did, a sigh escapes Juyeon as she rests her head back on her folded arms.

A week. A week had passed since that incident, and none of the tortures she had received had stopped at all. Whether it was the students talking behind her back, the malicious texts and messages she had been receiving, being treated like an outcast, or the repeating nightmares she had, none, and I mean none of them stopped or even got a bit less.

Every single day was becoming even more hopeless for Juyeon. She still doesn't even know who it was that framed her, but it's not like she's ever even tried to do anything to solve that problem at all. But then again, it's not like she could. No one believes her. So who would ever even at least try to help her find the real culprit that placed your life in danger, and apparently, now her own?

No one, of course. The answer is no one. She knows that all too well. And everyday she keeps getting messages, people, even dreams, telling her to just end her life for the good of everyone.

"Should I just do that, then?" Juyeon suddenly thinks as a  itter smile forms on her face, hidden by her arms. "I've suffered for a week. The people who are out for me must have been troubled by my very existence as well. I should just end it all already."

See You In My Dreams (Stray Kids X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now