Chapter 1

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Summer had been peaceful in Beacon hills, but then again it always was. There wasn't a single peep out of place, or animal out of order.

Alex was feeling better than she ever thought she would, a summer with stiles seemed to be the cure to her problems.

Although she had still had bad days, they weren't as frequent and no matter what - she spoke. She told someone it was a bad day and she made sure to never let it get as bad as it did.

"They still haven't emailed me yet" malia groaned loudly.

Over the summer Alex and malia had become closer.

Although alex had a peaceful summer, it was interrupted by the summer classes she was forced to attend due to her personal circumstances.

Malia too had to attend them, Alex was under the impression if dead sister didn't get a pass - being trapped in a Coyotes body sure should have.

But Alex wasn't worried about her senior year, she had gotten her grades back up in no time.

Alex wished to say the same about Malia but from the second she woke up, Malia had been checking her email all day.

"Have you gotten anything?" She asked

Alex shook her head "no not yet"

That was a lie, and if Malia wasn't so worried she would have picked up on it.

Alex had received confirmation 3 hours prior.

"You are going to be a senior this year, I promise"
Alex reassured.

Malia nodded unsure and put her Phone in her back pocket. The two girls walked back over to the tree that had fallen due the storm, Malia grabbed an end and so did Alex.

"Everybody get a good grip.?" Mr tate asked, everyone around the tree nodded "Remember, lift with your legs. That's where your power is."

"One, two, three." He counted everyone in.

The tree was lifted almost Instantly and Malia stood underneath it with a small smile of accomplishment on her face.

"Strong legs." She shrugged.

"Dad, is your phone working?" Malia asked

He shook his head "No, I think the storm took the cell towers out."

"Oh." She frowned

"It's going to be okay. You'll find out when you find out."

Alex nodded "he's right. There is nothing to worry about"

"Do you girls need a ride to the school?" Mr Tate asked.

On cue, a jeep pulled up coming to a screeching stop. Stiles stilinski popped his head out the window.

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now