Chapter 5

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Lydia Alex and Kira burst into the station, hoping they weren't too late.

"Mom, she's coming." Lydia panted, her breaths short and uneven "Tracy's coming for you."

Natalie looked at her daughter, now confused "What? What do you mean for me?"

A low snarl came from the ceiling above them.

Tracy hung from the ceiling, here eyes glowed orange, she growled loudly.

Noah pulled his gun from its holster, with only one thing on his mind. Protecting the people in this room, protecting his deputies, his sons girlfriend. His sons friends. The woman he had grown to like, protecting them like a sheriff should.

He pointed his gun up to the teenager, shooting three times before she had used her tail to slice across his skin, Noah dropped the gun feeling his body go limp against the ground.

Kira stepped into the fight, pulling off her belt she whipped it down, forming it into a sword.

Alex backed away, keeping the banshee behind her, Alex reached for her knife, feeling an empty holster. She looked up and noticed the knife in Tracy's tail, it was thrown across the station in seconds.

"Kira, look out!" Sheriff stilinski warned the girl.

Kira swung her sword around, dodging the tale of the kanima.

Lydia noticed her mother stood the other end of the room, "Mom, run! Run!"  Lydia yelled

Tracy's attention was taken by the banshee, she ran towards the girl ready to slice her.

Alex watched with wide eyes, she dropped to the ground, pulling Lydia down with her.. but she wasn't quick enough

Tracy's tail sliced across Lydias stomach, Lydia held her stomach, letting her body fall.

"Oh god" Alex shook, placing her hands over the wounded area, hoping to keep the blood flow at a minima.

Natalia whipped around at the sound of her daughters cry, "Lydia! Lydia!" She yelled

"Go!" Alex  yelled "I have her, just go!"

Kira continued to fight Tracy, dodging each attack that came her way. Kira leaped onto desk, she lifted her sword above her head watching as Tracy jumped about.

Kira felt her mind become overtaken by a sensation she hadn't felt before, a sudden surge of vengeance flowing through her.

The room lit up with an orange hue, alex watched the fox with wide eyes as her Kitsune aura had taken over.

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now