Chapter 17.

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Five days had passed. Five days of no chimeras. The pack was divided and slowly falling apart. The riff in the pack was getting nothing but worse. No one had talked to anyone, everyone felt alone... just as he wanted.

Alex hadn't spoke to Malia in days, Scott couldn't even look at Alex... and she and stiles haven't talked since they fought. They just pass each other occasionally in the hallways.

Alex sighed as she reached her fathers voicemail "hey dad it's Alex. I don't even know if you have a phone but... I don't know, a lots happened since you left and I mean a lot. I miss you, I wish you were here but I know you are doing what you have to do. Em.. I love you, bye" she ended the call.

Alex walked out of her room and grabbed her keys, as she opened the door to leave she jumped a little seeing Lydia

"What is it?" She asked Lydia

"Stiles wants me to try help him find the nematom" Lydia told her, blinking twice

Alex raised a brow "So when did me become we?"

Lydia huffed  "you two need to talk and fix things"

As much as she loved Alex and hated that stiles was so quick to accuse, she hated that right now the only two people that actually stuck together lately were falling apart.

"If he wanted to talk to me he would have by now" Alex shrugged,

Lydia crossed her arms and blinked unimpressed "And what if he feels the same?" What if he thinks if you wanted to talk you would have?"

"Alright fine" Alex sighed, not wanted a lecture off the banshee today. She held her keys tightly "But I'm taking my car"


The three teens had circled the woods twice and still couldn't find the nemoton. Stiles and Alex hadn't spoken a word to each other, other then the occasional glance back and forth. Both wanted nothing more than to talk to the other but both were just as Stubborn.

"It's almost like this thing doesn't want to be found" stiles said frustrated.

"Maybe it knows we're late for class. Because we've been here twice." Lydia pointed out

"Crap" stiles sighed

"Can we talk to Parrish now?" Alex asked

"Hang on." He stopped the two girls from almost leaving "If the Nemeton's covered in bodies, shouldn't you be able to find them?"

"Me?" Lydia questioned

Stiles looked at the banshee with his mouth gawked open in shock at how she even asked that question "Yes, you. That's what you do. You're the Banshee, you find the bodies."

She looked at stiles unimpressed and rolled her eyes "Well, the Banshee's having an off day, so how about we talk to Parrish?"

"Come on stiles, we've circled this place 2 times already" Alex pointed out finally speaking to her Boyfriend. "Remember the last time we tried to find this you had to temporarily die" she reminded

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now