Chapter 30.

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"I thought you had her scent" Stiles snapped, they had gotten no further in their travels; the tunnels were endless.

"I lost it"

"So find it again!" Stiles demanded.

Theo rolled his eyes, "What do you smell down here, Stiles?"

"Chemicals and fecal matter. Although, I'm pretty sure the fecal matter is you." Stiles remarked.

Theo gave a look of annoyance "I smell it, too. It's all that I can smell. Which is why I'm trying something else. So can you shut up and let me concentrate?"

"I'm gonna find them" stiles threw his arms in a huff before storming off

"You know you won't. You're going to have to trust me."

Stiles stopped, he glared at the wolf "Trust you?The guy who murdered his own sister when he was nine?"

"Yeah, I was nine years old. I also believed a guy in a red suit came down the chimney to deliver presents. So when three people in leather masks showed up and said that my sister wanted me to have her heart, I believed them, too." He argued.

"So then together you gutted and killed her. That's a beautiful story."

"I watched her fall into the water and freeze to death in minutes. Do you think I had any idea what was going on?"

"I think you pushed her. And I think you liked it." Stiles spat,   "Just find her!"

"You think I'm not worried?" Theo asked

Stiles scoffed "you? I doubt it"

"She was my friend too. Like it or not we knew eachother she was my friend and I was hers"

"Oh really!" Stiles yelled. He shook his head "If you were such a friend were the hell where you huh? You knew her in San Francisco when she had everything... you don't know the Alex we do.. you know the Alex she was when she had a family and her sister and she didn't know what she could do"

He turned away unable to look at Theo without wanting to kill him right then and there.

"She's still-..."

He quickly whirled back round " You didn't watch her life fall apart around her. You didn't watch the life drain from her eyes as her sister died in front of her. You!.. You didn't watch her almost kill herself because she blamed herself for allisons death. You don't know Alex and you never will. So don't tell me you are worried because if you were her friend you wouldn't have told her to chose between my dad and her sister"

"Now shut the fuck up and find h-

Stiles was interrupted by the screams that resounded around the tunnels.

He recognized Lydias first, he had heard it more than once and it became something he was used to.

The other one he only heard once, the painful scream that came from Alex's mouth when she watched her sister die. The same scream he heard tonight

"What direction was that, Where is it coming from" stiles asked Theo

"Everywhere" Theo blinked, looking around.


Alex laid on the chair, her body crying out for help. She had slipped in and out of consciousness a few times, her energy was barely enough to keep her eyes opened.

Valack threw Lydia against the chair and strapped her down.

Alex looked over,"Hey Lyds it's okay just stay awake okay"  

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