Chapter 27.

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"I'm going to Eichen house" stiles said, grabbing his jacket.

"Stiles you need to sit down, we are gonna work out a plan" Scott said calmly

"A plan for what huh? Alex is gone, she went to that place and now she is missing, it doesn't take an genius to work out what happened"

"Stiles would you just sit down so we can explain!" Isaac snapped, a sigh came after "we want to find her as much as you but we can't go in there blind. It will never work"


"Oh good you're awake" valack smiled, wheeling his chair over with his feet.

Alex grunted, feeling her arms tied down "What do you want with me?"

Valack grinned, "To make you better, You have a gift. You can take any pain of any kind I want to make you better"

"And how can you make me better, the dread doctors already took me and I'm the exact same."

"That's what you think Alexandra. But they didn't take you for no reason, maybe you're stronger; maybe you can do more and that's what I want to figure out"

"It's Alex" she seethed, "god, no one calls me Alexandra you freak!"

Valack shook his head "don't you see Alex, I can make you more then just a healer. I can unleash powers that are hidden deep inside of you, I can help you if you just let me"

"I know you've got some obsession with the dread doctors considering you practically invented them, but I don't need or want your help. You were in here for a reason" Alex fought,

Not a word was returned from the man, he walked over with a razor.

"What are you doing?" She squirmed,

The razor awoke with noise, it etched closer to her head head .

"Stop!" She yelled, tugging at her restraints

Alex felt the razor brush across her skin, leaving a cold patch were hair used to be.

He sighed "you Girls and their hair"

Valack picked up a drill, he grinned at the girl  "Now sit still this might hurt" her warned

Alex's eyes widened at the sight, she couldn't move, she couldn't escape.

"No!" She yelled, kicking her legs; it didn't do much, but she hoped it would,

Alex felt the cold metal against her skin,  Alex screamed out. Hoping someone would hear, someone had to know what was happening.


STILES  sat at Lydia's bedside, his hand placed gently on hers. His mind consumed with only his memories of Alex.

He had to come and not because he wanted to see Lydia but because it was part of their plan to get her free if this place, but all stiles could think of was Alex.

"Alex is missing" he mumbled, unable to say it any louder "I have no idea where she is, or if she's even okay"

Lydia could hear him, she could hear his words and she couldn't even reply, tell him alex was here. Alex was here with valack.

"I can't lose her" he shook, tears threatening his eyes

Natalie walked into the room, still unimpressed with him "you should go now"

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now