Chapter 12

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Alex didn't care how close she had grown to Theo, seeing him pin stiles to the fence was enough to make her blood boil.

Before she even knew what she was doing, her arm was leaned against the coyotes chest and she sent glares down his wide eyes, she wasn't sure why he was shocked. Theo should know that Alex doesn't let this stuff off easily.

"Here's something you're about to learn Theo, I don't care how much you mean to me. You hurt someone I love and that's when I'll have an issue" she warmed, her stare never breaking.

Theo stared back, unresponsive to what she was saying

Alex sighed, she didn't want to hurt him. A big part of her that always acts first wanted to but that smaller part that considers the effects later was starting to way in "You've for three seconds to explain why I found you pinning my boyfriend."

"He knows" stiles interrupted his girlfriend "he knows about Donovan"

Alex let go, taking a stand beside stiles. She continued to glare at Theo "you are my friend Theo, but I love stiles and I don't care what you know if I see you lay so much as a finger on him again I will break your bones in ways they won't heal" she warned

She felt a twinge of guilt as she lectured Theo, he was her friend and usually she wouldn't have to threaten her friends.

Theo looked at Alex and seen a side he seen once in San Francisco, of course he wasn't expecting her to find him with stiles.

Sirens filled the air and Theo looked at stiles worried.

"That's not an ambulance, is it?" He asked

Stiles shook his head slowly.

"We should get out of here."

"We can't just leave him." Stiles argued

Theo huffed "Fine. All right, let's take him, Someone's stealing the bodies anyway, right, Here's our chance to find out who."

He stared at the boy who refused to move, slowly becoming more and more aggravated "Stiles, come on. We gotta do something." He urged

"You killed him." Stiles said. His expression blank

"In self-defense. He was going to kill you and me." He defended himself

"What the hell happened?" Alex asked, glancing between the pair of them

"Stiles had his memory and when I came up I found josh attaching him, if I hadn't have gotten here on time.." he paused, letting Alex work out the rest

"Alright" she nodded

"If we stay, we're either going to have to tell the truth or we're going to need a pretty convincing story." He told the boy who had barely taken a breath in the last 10 minutes "It's your choice. I'm not going to ask you to lie to your dad. Don't worry. I've had plenty of practice."

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now