Chapter 25.

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Alex had some how managed to sneak her way down to the locked up area of eichen. She had felt rather proud until she reached the locked gate that only opened with an ID.

"Need one of these?" Alex jumped a little, turned to see the same man who had helped them before "not many people come here twice you know"

"I need to see valack.. it's important"

"You haven't heard? Valack escaped"

Alex's eyes widened "he what, how?"

"We have to yet to figure that one out" he shrugged

"Why on earth are you looking for him?" He asked

"I need answers"

"Maybe I could be of some use" he suggested

"you know much about the supernatural world?" She asked "More specifically the dread doctors"

"I know a lot" he nodded

"Nevermind" Alex changed her mind "I should go, school is waiting.

"Wait." He stopped her "are you sure I can't help?"

"Positive" she nodded. Before waiting any longer she quickly walked way mumbling to herself about how much she hated this place and all of its weird quirks.

"My things please?" She asked. The receptionist threw the small box on the counter and Alex grabbed all of her items "thanks" she smiled.

She finally walked out. As the air hit her face she was glad to be out of that poor excuse of a mental institution.

She wanted to call stiles but thought it best to wait as she didn't wanna impose on his and Scott's time to fix things and though she would probably live to regret it, she was going to find Theo.


Alex walked into the lair she had Been in before.
She looked around and some of it looked familiar from her vague memories . "Theo!" She called out.

After a short silence, she began to walk around. obviously gripping her knife tightly to reassure that if anything came at her she'd be ready.

She looked at table with paper laying messily on it, she picked it up and looked through it.

Alex argent
Her name jumped from the page. She stopped at the page and pulled it out and began to read

Chimera~ healer.
Abilities ~ can heal any wound, body has limits but can be trained. Has healing memories... body remembers certain pains
Strengths ~ fast healing/ can use to advantage
Weakness ~ Anuk ite..

Update: body can now protect her from anything..

Alex eyes shot you from the page after she heard something moving, she folded the paper and shoved it in her pocket "Theo!" She called out.

It was silent... to silent. She took a few steps forward making sure to look around her for any surprises.

"Just come out Theo.. I only want to talk" she tried to persuade him.

She continued to walked around until she came upon and door.. she didn't remember this part of the room, she put her hand on the handle and moved it, she was shocked to discover it wasn't locked.

She gripped her hand around her knife and opened it slowly.

In this moment she felt the whole world go still... her heart pounded loudly in her ears. She felt all her limbs go weak, everything around her had seemed to go slower as that night replayed in her memory

Alex stumbled as her sister pushed her away. She  caught her balance but as she looked forward she seen a sword empale her sister.

Her breath froze. She stood still in her spot, the world seemed to have just stopped as she watched her sort collapse on the ground. Alex praying she would wake up at any moment . She blinked and things went back to normal pace.

Alex dropped to the ground "oh god" she cried

The knife fell from her hand.. the sound of the metal hitting the floor awoke her from her disbelief. She blinked a tear down her cheek.

"Allison" she whispered so faintly she wondered if the word even left her lips. Before she get a chance to say much more.. she felt a needle Jab into the the side of her neck and everything go dark

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