Chapter 31.

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"Get her on the table" deaton instructed, violently shoving everything onto the floor.

Stiles walked Alex over to a chair, he put her down slowly; checking her for any visible wounds

"You're gonna be okay"

He must have said it a million times. It was merely a wish more than a reassurance.

Scott cleared off another table, rolling it beside Lydia. He lifted Alex and gently laid her down.

"Stiles" she whimpered, feeling the pain only get worse.

Stiles gently wiped the damp hair from her forehead. "I know, I know"

Alex groaned, the pain was becoming too much. Her body was aching from the inside.

Alex coughed, black liquid spewed from her lips.

Stiles lifted her, turning her to her side. She vomited black liquid - blood.

Stiles kept his hands around her, holding her up; he eased her back onto the table. Alex was only conscious for a few seconds before her eyes rolled back and her body began to jolt on the table.

"Alex. Alex" stiles watched with wide eyes "what happening to her"

"Scott hold Lydia down" deaton ordered Scott, he injected mistletoe into the hole on her head

He turned to face Alex, noticing her seizing

"She's been coughing blood since I found her, what happening to her?" Stile repeated, trying to hold Alex still.

Deaton looked at her unsure, she wasn't like the rest.

"Tell me you know. Deaton, tell me you know!"

Lydia shot up, screaming louder than she ever had before; the room shook beneath them, the windows shattering at her sound.

Stiles protected Alex with his body, basically forming a human shield. Noticing her shaking had stopped.

Lydia felt the scream come to an end, her body fell back against the metal table.

Stiles carefully brushed away dusts of glass, noticing as she was still. Too still.

"come on Alex. come on sweetie, you need to wake up"

Tears pricked his eyes, a few escaping Down his face. He gulped back a cry.

"Come on Alex. Wake up, you have to wake up" he whimpered quietly,

Lydia gasped, her throat burned as she woke.

"Are you okay" Scott asked Lydia, helping her sit up.

Lydia's eyes landed on Alex. Hoping she didn't wail for Alex.

"Come on Alex. Open your eyes. Show me your beautiful brown eyes" Stiles begged.

He grazed his thumb across her cheek, "please please wake up"

The room fell silent, stiles closed his eyes. He couldn't bare to lose her; stiles Stilinski would never love another soul the way he loves Alex Argent.

Scott focussed his hearing, it was muffled but it was there "I hear it

A gasp ripped through Alex's raw throat, her eyes shot open as she felt the pain of a thousands soles drain from her aching veins.

she swallowed thickly; her mouth tasting like blood "what's happening to me?"


Melissa was beyond relieved when she heard that both girls were Safe, until stiles had walked into her emergency room with his arms cradling Alex.

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now