Chapter 32.

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Alex watched as valack walked into the dark room he had thrown her and Lydia into. He pulled out the mask and slid it onto Lydias head

"No! please, please let us go" Alex cried.

Valack tsked "it's time Alexandra. Are you ready"

"No" she cried, "please no"

Valack turned on the mask, he stepped away from the two and watched happily as his creation took place.

"Just let us go!" Alex yelled, she felt something trickle down her face, she brought he free hand to her eye and and felt blood; blood ran out of her eye, her mouth and her ears

She let out a cough and blood spluttered from her mouth.

"What are you doing?" She asked, still choking on blood

"I'm saving you" he whispered, but it was a loud whisper; Alex felt it echo around the room

Lydia sat up on the chair, she took in a breath and let out a scream. The pain in Alex's body only got worse, she felt blood oozing from every crevice.

A pain ignited deep down, a pain she'd never felt; she felt as if she could burn up with it. She opened her mouth and screams came out, a loud harrowing scream.

Stiles was pulled from his slumber,  Alex was crying in her screaming; it was a curdling scream

"Alex, come on wake up. You're safe"

Stiles tried to hold her, speaking calmly in her ear, it took a few tries before she came around.

Alex blinked, feeling her eyes sting with tears; her chest moving for air "I...I"

Stiles kept his arm around her, holding her from behind. She sobbed into his arm, it felt so real. She really thought she was dying.

A week passed and every day she'd wake up the same, screaming for help.

"Shh, it's okay. I've got you" he spoke softly, soothing her.

Noah gave a knock before walking in, "I've got some tea"

He knew from past experiences with stiles, waking up like that every day can leave a voice quite hoarse.

Stiles nodded for him to come in, still mumbling reassurances to his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" Alex apologised, her voice on the brink of more tears.

"I'm the sheriff in this town, I'm always awake" Noah lightly joked, he sat at the edge handing her the warm liquid.

Alex sipped it, feeling it soothe her scratchy throat "I'm sorry, you- you shouldn't have to put up with this"

"Alex, you never have to be put up with. You are family okay, you scream this house down for as long as you need" the Sheriff reassured,

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now