Chapter 24.

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"Are you sure you don't wanna come?" Stiles asked down the phone.

Stiles and Scott went on a quest in order to retrieve Kira from the skin walkers. The pack was slowly coming back together one by one.

After much persuasion and pleading with Natalie Martin, Alex finally got the okay to visit Lydia.. in eichen house. Alex hated the idea of going there, she hated the idea of Lydia being there more but if this was her only chance she was not about to waste it

"No im okay" she nodded "me and Scott will find some sort of a way around this, but you two have such a different relationship. This is was you need" she told him as she got into her car.

"besides, lydias mom is finally letting me see her and I don't plan on saying no" she explained

"Alright, I'll see you when I get back. I love you"

"I love you too" she ended.


Alex walked into Lydia's room, it was almost a shock to see in such a state. She was practically lifeless, her eyes were staring a hole into the ceiling; barely a breath passed her lips.

"Hey Lyds. It's Alex, I don't know if you can even hear me, but I read somewhere it's always good
To talk...if you could talk you'd probably know the answer"

Alex shook a little, "Anyway. I brought nail polish because I know how much you hate your plain nails, but it got taken off me at the desk"

"Oh but stiles dad is doing well" Alex added, sounding hopeful. "Theo locked him in a room with a uncontrollable chimera and then came to gloat to stiles and I about it", he eh.. he actually told me he could bring Allison back. He made me chose but there's no way she could ever come back"

"I'm so sorry" Alex sighed not knowing what else she could possibly say  "this.. this isn't fair, this shouldn't be you in here right now."

"I'm sorry Theo did this, I wish I had have seen something. I just him so much, and you suffered again."

Aled blinked back fresh tears, "I could really use you here right now, everything is falling apart... Malia is gone radio silent, along with Isaac. Liam almost killed Scott. Scott hated stiles for a second, Kira is off in some desert trying to Channel her inerwolf.. and me.. well I'm just about managing to hold on" Alex explained everything

She let a tear fall down her face "I need you Lydia. I need you to tell me I didn't make a mistake in trusting Theo because he is.. he is so Evil"

Natalia watched from the door, feeling guilty got what she had said says prior; forgetting that Alex had lost so much in the last years.

Alex wiped her eyes, spotting Lydias mom at the door "oh sorry. I'll go" she stood up

"No stay please" Natalie eased her back down, "I want to apologize, what I said to you in the hospital.. it wasn't very nice I'm sorry"

Alex shook her head "you had every right. She's your daughter and she's sick because of this stupid town again.

"And no you didn't make a mistake sweetie. You saw someone who used to be a good person and you relied on the hope that they still were" Natalie said, hoping to ease her mind,

"Thanks. I appreciate that"

Natalie's phone rang from her purse, she excused herself to answer it.

Alex put her hand on Lydias and felt pain shoot through her veins. She knew it was wrong to continue, but a part of her wanted to heal Lydia.

Alex let her eyes close, catching a glimpse of what they were doing to her.


A voice echoed in her head, Alex jumped at the sound.

Alex, stop!

Alex gasped, her eyes opened and landed on Lydia was still in a catatonic state.

"What are you doing to me Lydia?" Alex mumbled,

"Sorry, it was the school" Natalia walked back in,

Alex stood up, "I should go, I've got homework. Uh, I'll come back tomorrow"

Ms Martin couldn't get a word in before Alex practically ran from the room, her head spinning as Lydia's voice bounced around it.

Alex needed answers, she had no idea what she was doing or how she was doing it. There was only person who could tell her,

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now