Chapter 18.

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Alex and stiles sat in his jeep in silence trying to work out what had just happened. Whilst alex was still raging with anger, stiles was aching in pain from the idea of losing his best friend.

Alex hated how things had become, how much they had changed. They were a pack, they used to save the town together and now everyone's divided and no ones talking to anyone

Smoked filled the heavy air the sat on Alex and stiles. Stiles came to stop and they both jumped out of the jeep before the smoke over took the air. He grabbed his tool kit and opened the bonnet, Alex watched as his hands shook whilst he attempted to fix his jeep yet again.

"Hey" She held his hand still "Things will work out remember" she reassured

"Will they?" He asked "Scott hates both of us Lydia is unreachable Theo is now the good guy"

Usually Alex would give stiles a look and attempt to convince stiles that Theo wasn't bad, he was slowly becoming one of her close friends until he tried to kiss her and now didn't seem like a good time to defend him.

Alex had no hope In anything being okay right now but she wanted to help stiles feel somewhat better and the only way she could do that was to fake it till she felt it "Have some hope okay" She smiled

"I'm so sick of hope!" Stiles yelled and without hesitation he flung the bloody spanner against the window of his jeep. Alex jumped back as she heard the glass crack, she had never seen him so angry but then again, he never had any reason to.

Stiles let out a small breath, he slid down his jeep and sat on the concrete road with his back resting against the tired of the jeep. Alex walked over and kneeled down sitting beside him

"Im sorry" he whimpered. Tears staining his eyes as everything had become all too much.

"It's okay" Alex reassured

He looked at her with teary eyes "Why are still here, Why are you still with me. I mean you were taken by the dread doctors and all I done was accused you off cheating"

"You shouldn't care so much about me" he sniffled

Alex couldn't help but chuckle at the statement"is that right?" She asked

"What?" He asked

She smiled softly, she laced her fingers with his "Stiles I couldn't stop caring if I tried. You own my heart. I'm with you because since the day I sat foot in beacon hills you made me feel something."

"What am I suppose to do?" Stiles asked. His breath stumbled "I can't.. I can't lose him Alex.." a lump formed in his throat and fresh tears brimmed his eyes

"he's my best friend.. he's my brother" stiles held back his urge to cry and let a few tear escape

Alex looked at him sympathetically, she had lost all hope on anything being resolved with her and Scott but she had forgotten just how different it was for stiles. Scott was stiles first friend, they've known each other for longer then they can remember and after everything that had happened, Scott was slipping away and stiles couldn't do a thing.

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