Chapter 16.

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Alex sat in the the front of theos car, Liam and Hayden sat in the back; holding each other tight. Hayden hadn't improved, pain still radiating through her, her wound still seeping, but for now she was in the arms of the boy she loved and that felt enough

"Are you okay?" Theo asked, glancing towards Alex for a second.

"Hm?" She asked, zoning back in

"You okay?" He repeated

"Yeah I'm okay" she nodded, she sighed quietly "I know you are bringing them to Scott but could you just bring me to my place?" She asked

"Is everything okay?" He asked

"I don't really know, Scott doesn't exactly like me right now" Alex shrugged

"okay" he nodded

Hayden awoke with moans, feeling nauseated by the pain that shot through her.

"It still hurts?" Liam asked

"Everywhere. I'm not healing. Not like it did before, That means I'm a failure, doesn't it?" She asked

Liam leaned in and kissed her, he was hoping to
Calm her nerves, or reassure her. He wasn't really sure, it just felt right and it was because his veins began to turn black before he pulled away.

"It's gone. The pain's gone. How did you do that?" Hayden asked

"I don't know."

"You found a connection" Alex looked back at the two  "I take it by touching someone with my hands, but sometimes you have to make it through a different connection" 


Alex walked into her apartment, Theo following her

"You know you didn't have to walk me up" She told Him, dropping her keys into the small plate

"Just wanted to make sure you were safe"

"thank you, that's very kind" she smiled

"I wanted to apologize for the other night, I overstepped with stiles" Theo apologized

"Thanks, I appreciated it. Im sorry too, I just hate seeing the people I loved get picked on"

"I remember" he grinned "you remember that time in freshman year when you punched someone because.-

"They called ally a bitch" she remembered

"That when I knew you were gonna be a tough person" Theo complimented "You always acted like the world was against you"

Alex sighed dramatically "if only young me knew one day the world would actually be against me"

"I'm gonna guess by the reaction stiles had In the locker room that you never told him about that night"

Alex didn't pay attention to the quick change in the conversation, she was too tired to notice how it shifted abruptly.

"I did but I just didn't say who" Alex replied, she turned to face him "You know it was years ago and we were still kid, It was a teenage fling"

Theo looked at Alex unsure if she meant what she said. He liked her, really liked her and all this time he has watched her in love with someone else, maybe if he was lucky enough she might just feel the same way.

"are you sure it was" He asked, he looked at her softly, his green eyes focusing on her  "I.. I can't get you out of my head Alex" he confessed He slowly leaned in and Alex felt her body stiffen as the guy she saw as strictly just a friend kissed her.

She pulled away quickly and looked at him with wide eyes. "What are..."

Stiles looked at his girlfriend as she quickly pulled away from the kiss Theo had tried to enforce. He scoffed under his breath and Alex turned and seen him.. his face painted with disgust and heartache.

She stood shocked "Stiles I-

"Forget about it" he shook his head and walked away.

He stormed down the hallway and into the elevator, Seething rage as he just seen his girlfriend kiss someone else.. someone she explicitly told him not to worry about.

Alex looked at Theo with utter shock about what had just happened "God what is wrong with you?"

He swallowed "I thought-...

"You thought what?" Alex exclaimed  "You thought because we had sex 2 years ago that we could do it again,I was 16!" She yelled

She shook her head "I love stiles with everything in me and I would never, NEVER cheat on him"

"I'm sorry I thought, I thought you wanted to."

Her mouth gaped open, her eyes wide "I was being your friend!" She yelled. "I was being your friend because I missed you, I missed how much fun we had back in San Francisco and I missed that feeling of normality." She argued .

Alex soon realized she should be spending her time chasing after stiles who was probably thinking of all sorts. Without a second thought, she ran out of the apartment and rather then take the elevator that would probably slow her down, she ran down the stairs used in case of emergency.

She ran down each flight of stairs taking them two at time with a fear stiles is already driven off by now.

She finally reached the ground floor and ran out of the building just as stiles was pulling off. She ran over to the jeep and before he could go any further she stood in front of it. Stiles slammed down his breaks just Before possibly hitting her.

Stiles stepped out of the car  "Why did you kiss him?" He asked

Alex heart ached a little as stiles assumed the worst of her.

She scoffed "you really think I would kiss him, He kissed me stiles and I pulled away the second he did." She explained

"how could you possibly think I would ever cheat on you?" Her voice was hushed.

"How would you feel if you walked in on me?" He asked, flailing his arms

"Stiles I didn't kiss him!" Alex yelled "It's you I love you idiot. I love you I have only ever loved you!"

She sighed "I love you with everything in me stiles. I love you so  much it physically hurts if I don't have you." She confessed

Stiles stood feeling guilt wash over him as he realized he just accused her of cheating when truly he knew she never would.

"I would never cheat on you, I would never kiss someone else especially not Theo. I'm in love you stiles, you are the one I want to spend my life with okay" she expressed

She shook her head "If you actually think I would ever cheat on you, then you don't know me as well as I thought"


𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now