Chapter 34.

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"The desk, the desk!" Stiles panicked, pushing everything off. They laid down the aching wolf.

"I'm okay. I'm fine" Liam tried to reassure, although his scream said otherwise.

Hayden peeled back his bloody jersey, the sight making Alex grimace. His skin was sliced open, blood oozing from his chest; it was a miracle he was even alive.

Alex saw the face of Valack flash before her eyes, closing them for s second she tried to remind herself that he wasn't alive.

Stiles gripped his hands Around the table, color draining from his face

"What? Is it bad?" Liam asked, their silence becoming too loud

"No." Hayden and Alex both said at once.

"Very." Stiles contradicted, both girls shooting him a glare.

"Okay. Okay. What do you guys usually do when this happens?" Hayden asked, panic flooding her.

"Oh, I usually pass out." Stiles mumbled, stumbling back with a pale face  "And I think I still might do that."

"Stiles!" Hayden yelled, grabbing his attention.

"Scott did this with pain. He could trigger it. Pain makes you human." Stiles explained.

"He's already in pain." Hayden snapped,

"Right, okay, but maybe adding a little more could help take away the pain." Stiles added

Hayden turned to the girl beside her "help him, please help him" she begged, knowing vaguely of her abilities.

"No way" stiles stepped in,  "she's not strong enough yet"

Alex rolled her eyes, "look I'm going to watch him suffer. If it becomes to much break the bond"

Alex took in a small breathe, she her hand his arm; her veins turning in less than a second. She closed her eyes, watching as the scene unfolded.

Liam never stood a chance towards the beast, how could he? He was only a beta. The beast tore through him as if he was paper.

Alex felt a gasp escape her lips, the pain travelled around her body, she watched as the beast tore into Liam's chest. It was ironic really, one success healing another's damage but it made her  wonder; how can she be so normal and that beast be so.. so terrifying.

Alex unlatched her arm, she stumbled back into stiles hands. Looking at the wolf and noticed half his wounds had healed.

"Thank you so much" Hayden almost cried

Alex gave a sheepish smile "it's what I do"


Stiles insisted on taking Alex home after the game, she was still a little shaky from healing Liam.

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now