Chapter 28.

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Alex felt a pain throb through her temple, it was a nauseating pain; she could feel the blood oozing from her open wound. Dampening the pillow below her head.

Alex was growing weaker, she could feel it. Whatever he was doing, was working.

"Let me ask you something ms argent. When you broke free did you do it with intent? Or are you unaware of your own strengths.

Alex kept her eyes in the one spot, she would be burning a hole into the ceiling soon. She stayed quiet, refusing to feed into his games anymore.

If she did answer, she'd say she didn't know. Alex hadn't ever been that strong, she was thought how to escape from them but that wasn't training; that was pure strength alone.

"I don't think you knew. I seen your face, only for a second but you were shocked. It makes me wonder what else you are truly capable of

He dabbed a wet cloth against Alex's head, she winced, barely moving away.


It was going smoothly, too smoothly. Kira even managed the brownout so Something had to go wrong for them, it always did.

"Where's the card reader? It should be here. It has to be here."

"They must have taken it out when the Dread Doctors got through." Scott realised, his hallucinations expression falling.

"Are you telling me we came all the way down here just to be stopped by an ordinary key? Are you kidding me?"

"We don't need a key." Liam shook his head, "Not if we can break it down."

Stiles moved back as Scott, Isaac and Liam continued to pull as hard as they could after getting their fingers through the barred door. With all their power, they struggled, groaning and scrunching their eyes tight.

"Guys, we're running out of time" stiles stressed,

"We can't. The Mountain Ash. It's too much." Scott panted, taking a step back.

"Hit me." Liam told the alpha,

"What?" Scott exhaled, staring confused.

"Hit me. I'll get angry then I'll get stronger" the beta insisted

"Hit him!" Stiles encouraged,

Isaac nodded, "if you don't I will"

"I tried to take your powers. I tried to kill you. Hit me." Liam antagonised, noticing the hesitation.

"He also left you for dead." Stiles added, waiting for the rage to strike. All he could think about was Alex, she had already endured so much in the last month; he needed to get to her before anything else happened.

"I wanted you dead!" Liam yelled, Scott threw a punch against his face, Liam winced as his face Throbbed.

He looked back up, groaning "Do it again"

Scott agreed, swinging another punch towards the young boy.

"It's gotta be harder than that." Stiles gritted, he balled up his fist, apologising before he swung his fist into the betas face.

"Jesus stiles." Isaac winced, almost feeling Liam's pain.

Stiles exhaled, shaking out his hand "it worked" he shrugged.

Liam looked up, his eyes glowing "let's go this"

The three of them grabbed the gate, pushing it back; it snapped from its hinges.

"go." Scott yelled,

Stiles sprinted through the broken gate and down the hallway. Although he was unaware of Alex's whereabouts, he was aware of Lydia's whereabouts, which was all he needed.

Stiles skidded to a stop at Lydia's room, he hurried over; noticing Lydia was barley concerned. Her pillow was stained with her blood, the metal table next to her leaking with evidence.

He loosened the straps around her wrist, Lydia barely got the words out "You can't be here. You're going to die if you stay. All of you"

Stiles heard the faint buzzing of the scanner and knew his time was limited.

"Lydia, im not leaving you here" stiles shook his head "where's Alex? Where is she"

" You have to. He'll kill you if you don't" she muttered

"What...who?" Stiles asked

"Valack, he'll kill you and then Alex"

Stiles heard the footsteps of Valack become clearer as he walked closer to the redheads room.

"You have to hide. Now" she urged

Not wanting to he tightened the strap on her wrist.

He stood up and made a run for the exist. He slid down the hallway and stopped behind a metal gate a few feet from Lydia's room.

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